Any1 EDD in May 09?


Haha, ya lor... I cannot stand they all treat my hubby like taxi driver. So what if he is the only one driving in the whole family. They got no legs and no money to take transport meh? For that entire 2 days I was in the hospital, I wanted HB to be by my side. End up, he always nt around. This time round, good man. Even my mum also happy for me. Haha getting anxious now...dun know when baby want to pop out..Hope that she choose to pop out by next the swine flu getting worse...

Yuki Miaka

paiseh ask a before the actual deliver day... our lower part will start dilated? even before the actual day? so far my gynae didnt check for dilation leh... now seeing him one week once...

KKH got internet access?


Well-Known Member
paiseh ask a before the actual deliver day... our lower part will start dilated? even before the actual day? so far my gynae didnt check for dilation leh... now seeing him one week once...

KKH got internet access?
i tink got wireless SG service at KKH~


i am facing the same issue too lor~ :embarrassed:
I just visited my gynae on sat, he didn't mention about delivering at which hospital leh cos i also wish to deliver my gal at Mt. A also cos Mt. A ward deposit & fees seems like more cheaper than TMC wor.. :embarrassed:

Care to share ur TMC bills and how much cash u fork out in your hospital bills?

Yuki Miaka

Here a pic of my little princess Claire

wah so cute... the daddy feeding her ??? so nice.. my hubby very kiasi.. he said he dun dare to carry newborn bb.... because neck still very soft... blah blah... i must make him carry & feed when i delivered... lolx
wah so cute... the daddy feeding her ??? so nice.. my hubby very kiasi.. he said he dun dare to carry newborn bb.... because neck still very soft... blah blah... i must make him carry & feed when i delivered... lolx
Haha, same... My DH dare nt to carry oso, he say later he accidentally break her bone... Thats why I had my DD...

My father oso same, say I dun wanna break my grand daughter bone... LOL:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I just visited my gynae on sat, he didn't mention about delivering at which hospital leh cos i also wish to deliver my gal at Mt. A also cos Mt. A ward deposit & fees seems like more cheaper than TMC wor.. :embarrassed:

Care to share ur TMC bills and how much cash u fork out in your hospital bills?
My hubby kept the bill~ After medisave the bill for hospital/gynae/baby i need to fork out $2k++ in cash~ i stayed in 1 bedded for c-section wif epidural~


Well-Known Member
wah so cute... the daddy feeding her ??? so nice.. my hubby very kiasi.. he said he dun dare to carry newborn bb.... because neck still very soft... blah blah... i must make him carry & feed when i delivered... lolx
last time when i gif birth to my ds my hubby aso dun dare to carry him but mayb bcoz tis is 2nd bb so he dare to carry her sumore he dote her lor~