Bubble Tea Lovers


Well-Known Member
yup restricted area only for marine parade branch they sent ard there only...
ooh, so u stay near tat area arr ??

u got try tat steamboat(tom yam) @ b1(parkway) ????

u know tat there's anther smiliar store opp tat shop selling those plums, sweets de ?? but tat kopi shop is closed cos they'r building the mrt there....tats oso a steamboat de.....

they move to tat roxy square foodcourt izzi ???

any idea ?????????????????????


i went to chinatown branch liao and had the original flavour bubble tea.. yummy... but my hubby dun find it fantastic.. zzzz


Well-Known Member
i went to chinatown branch liao and had the original flavour bubble tea.. yummy... but my hubby dun find it fantastic.. zzzz
last fri, i went to the parkway branch de....

is there a new favour "ice cream milk tea" ????

i tot i saw tat leh.....was tempting to try it next time......LOL~


Well-Known Member
i just tries ytd.. told them normal... 1st taste was so sweeeeeeeeeettttttt..... but subsenquently okay liao... got addicted liao... love the paopao... hehe...


Alpha Male
lawla12 said:
HAHhaHAHAHahahAHHAA....i bo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ yaaaaaaa.....

u go franchisee laaaa....then i help u COUNT $$$$$$

Dun want ... later you show me 1 chart making me choose:
100% of profit become Lawla's money
75% of profit become Lawla's money
50% of profit become Lawla's money
:rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Dun want ... later you show me 1 chart making me choose:
100% of profit become Lawla's money
75% of profit become Lawla's money
50% of profit become Lawla's money
:rofl: :rofl:

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh:

u hor.....super noti !!!!!

i will make sure all is 100% become my $$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:win::win:


Dun want ... later you show me 1 chart making me choose:
100% of profit become Lawla's money
75% of profit become Lawla's money
50% of profit become Lawla's money
:rofl: :rofl:
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh::we2biglaugh:

u hor.....super noti !!!!!

i will make sure all is 100% become my $$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:win::win:
uncle high la....sunday mtg us babes mah....he is the 'thorn' among the ROSESSS~~~~

wait a min....he bullied us b4 rite?



Alpha Male
CanCanMum said:
uncle high la....sunday mtg us babes mah....he is the 'thorn' among the ROSESSS~~~~

wait a min....he bullied us b4 rite?

You talk as if all of you mummies not bringing your better half along ...
:wink: :wink:


Well-Known Member
u live near there too? i like their steamboat but my DH not a spicy eater so nv eat always
no wor..me stay extreme east side wor....

me oso not spicy-lover...but the tom yum soup is VERY addictive!!!! i like the sour sour taste...

i will mix it wif chkn soup de wor....if juz drink the tom yum soup like tat, my mouth will b on FIRE.....



last nite we had home cooked steamboat~~~

so yummy~~~

coz las sunday bou an induction cooker with a pot...can double up as steamboat pot lols~~~

we ate on sunday....canx finish all the foods...so saved up the soup and cooked last nite again hahahah~~~

juz din buy KOI paopao cha for desserts lor....heeee

next time can invite my darlings for steamboat at my house...but no aircon in living room hor....lols


Well-Known Member
last nite we had home cooked steamboat~~~

so yummy~~~

coz las sunday bou an induction cooker with a pot...can double up as steamboat pot lols~~~

we ate on sunday....canx finish all the foods...so saved up the soup and cooked last nite again hahahah~~~

juz din buy KOI paopao cha for desserts lor....heeee

next time can invite my darlings for steamboat at my house...but no aircon in living room hor....lols
invite darlings.....THEN MISTRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LEH???? :err::err:

aiyo...i better dun see/drink/listen too much bubble tea le.....i'm suppose to cut down de....b4 my trip, i manage to STOP myself from drinking....only allow myself to drink ONCE a mth....

but after i came back, i've been drinking 3-4times a week.......

must stop liao.....next mth IUI liao......:001_302: