EDD in AUG 2010


New Member
Xlan : ahhh! haha.. no .. not really threatening .. heehe.. act like talking to baby but was joking with the father.. although i prefer boy but boy or ger still will be my precious.. kekekez! :shyxxx:

Happydays-shop : oh? i didn't know detailed scan got extra charge to it.. oops! :err:

kokolove : ya!~ 6/7mths still long way! i'm so tempted to go shopping already! pregnancy spoil my shopping mood but baby gimme a new aim/reason to shop.. =X HAHAHA!
Yes, there's charges of $100+


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hi MTBs,

Please take alook at
[/FONT]Gorgeous Mummy & Tots[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]

We are selling lovely clothes for both MTB and Tots from 0-3 months onwards.

There will be more items coming up.


New Member
dear MTBs,

i've not got to know my baby's gender :(
so have been daydreaming a lot
wondering if it's a boy or girl in me

read up on fetal heart rate prediction on baby's gender
less than 140 = boy; more than 140 = girl
it has been around for a long time
but no studies have been able to prove its accuracy

maybe we can do a small sampling test here?
care to share your fetal heart rate & gender (if already know)

mine is 130 @ 17 weeks (gender not known yet; will update soon :)



Haha.. Kokolove maybe u can go surf around for those test that ask questions like..

1) do u have morning sickness
2) craving for salty or sweet food
3) color of the urine is it bright or dull yellow

etc etc... couldn't remember all the questions..

coz me too been thinking alot before i know my baby's gender.. and i went to surf around for the possible symptoms for having girl or boy.. haha! but the test result says mine is a boy.. and indeed! heehee..


New Member
Haha.. Kokolove maybe you can go surf around for those test that ask questions like..

1) do you have morning sickness
2) craving for salty or sweet food
3) color of the urine is it bright or dull yellow

etc etc... couldn't remember all the questions..

coz me too been thinking alot before i know my baby's gender.. and i went to surf around for the possible symptoms for having girl or boy.. haha! but the test result says mine is a boy.. and indeed! heehee..
thanks jas!
i actually did all of those quizes...
it's kinda fun & take my thoughts off for a while

but am interested to see if there's the relation of fetal heart rate vs gender amongst our pregnancies :)

care to share your baby's heart rate?


haha! oic! hmmz.. i never ask my gynae for fetus heart beat rate =X oops! the only one time i know the heart beat rate was on my 1st appointment with gynae.. i was 6weeks preggie.. and the doc mentioned somewhere 130+..


i'll be gg for my detail scan next mon afternoon.... getting anxious now already.. hope everything's fine n smooth.. no prob/issue at all.. *praying hard*..


i just did my detailed scan yst.... will be expecting a little girl too.. hehehe

she's sooo cute... can see her smilling at us & sucking her thumb during the scan...


Yo mummies! How long did ur gynae took for the detailed scan? my gynae seems to be very rush.. :bmad: just took 5mins to complete half the detailed scan.. he said that my boy seems to be engaged so he can't get the scan of his head and face.. gotta go back again next week..
Yo mummies! How long did your gynae took for the detailed scan? my gynae seems to be very rush.. :bmad: just took 5mins to complete half the detailed scan.. he said that my boy seems to be engaged so he can't get the scan of his head and face.. gotta go back again next week..

hi There!! had my detailed UtZ at KKH last thur..its a girl for us!!!!..Anyway,the sonographer completed the scan for about 45mins. She first show me the babys heart,its vessels,and other organs like kidneys etc..the last part is identifying the gender....


New Member

i am due in 24 Aug 2010 also in KKH. I was wondering if anyone ever heard of Bentong Ginger that is of better grade as compare to the normal one we see in singapore. heard that it is especially good. Anyone tried and where can we get the source?


hi There!! had my detailed UtZ at Kandang Kerbau Hospital last thur..its a girl for us!!!!..Anyway,the sonographer completed the scan for about 45mins. She first show me the babys heart,its vessels,and other organs like kidneys etc..the last part is identifying the gender....
Wah! 45mins! so long! ahhh~ so weird mine only 5mins.. hmmz.. must ask him on my next appointment..


jus had my detailed scan this afternoon.. i'm so glad everything's fine n normal.. feeling v relieved now..

the radiographer was v nice n patience.. v warm n made me feel relaxed throughout.. she said BB was very gd boy n cooporative.. she can easily take the measurements w/o much difficulty.. it was pretty fast.. abt 20min or so and called my hubby in to see BB together.. think is abt another 10min or so n we were done n she printed out the report n ultrasound images for us.. it was a very pleasent experience! =)


Hi mummies,im due on 27th aug n im expecting my 2nd BB :001_302: but rite now still dunno its a boy or gal but hopefully it can be a baby gal cos my 1st is a boy....im delivering my BB at Mt Alvernia Hospital.