EDD in Feb 2010


1st Time Mum here!! ::Says Hi!!::

EDD is on 3rd February 2009

Guess I am considered luckier than most. Easy pregnancy so far, no morning sickness, no stretch marks. Stomach is still like only 3 to 5 months pregnant. =)
:red:Hi Angelia286,

:Dancing_wub:enjoyed wit your pregnancy.Yes you r very lucky.


New Member
hi angelia! im first time mummy too. :001_302:
edd 15 feb but going for c-section, so 1st feb can get to see baby girl already! yours a boy/ girl?? normal delivery??

name me all the pregnancy sickness, and ill tell you i had/ having them! lol
My edd 16 feb, gg for natural. You sure you had all the pregnancy sickness? How about pelvic pain? Walking around is painful, and I really hate to move once I lie down on the bed. Sometimes can hear cracking sound when I turn over, and I tht I had broke my bone (stupid me). I asked ard my friends and none of them got it, think I am the unlucky one. :msad:
hi angelia! im first time mummy too. :001_302:
edd 15 feb but going for c-section, so 1st feb can get to see baby girl already! yours a boy/ girl?? normal delivery??

name me all the pregnancy sickness, and ill tell you i had/ having them! lol
Hihi :) me first time mum also, edd 20 feb..

I am planning to go for c-sect too, but my gynae seems more inclined towards natural delivery :err:

Anycase, did you have to give your gynae 'valid' reasons why earlier c-sect? Or he/she simply went with your preference?


New Member
When will the gynae let you know for csect or Natural ar?
till now i haven ask my gynae eh .! lols!! :wong29:


hi angelia! im first time mummy too. :001_302:
edd 15 feb but going for c-section, so 1st feb can get to see baby girl already! yours a boy/ girl?? normal delivery??

name me all the pregnancy sickness, and ill tell you i had/ having them! lol
Hey.. Coming soon in another 7 more days for you!!?? Are you excited? Hehe.. You mean to say we can plan for C-Section in singapore? Weird that this option was never extended to me. Lol

Well, mine is a boy and yeah to bring down the cost, I will be going for C ward normal delivery.


My edd 16 feb, gg for natural. You sure you had all the pregnancy sickness? How about pelvic pain? Walking around is painful, and I really hate to move once I lie down on the bed. Sometimes can hear cracking sound when I turn over, and I tht I had broke my bone (stupid me). I asked around my friends and none of them got it, think I am the unlucky one. :msad:
I am lucky not to have any morning sickness and a very easy pregnancy up to 36th weeks. But it is really true on what people says - don't count your blessings before they hatched.

*Winces* i have been suffering from pelvic pain since 36th week. Walking / standing after sitting down or lying for a long time simply hurts. The first time it happens, I fell down straight after attempting to walk right after standing up. It helps when I am on the move or when I am simply standing. So, in the MRTs when people give up their seats to me, 99% of the time, i will reject their kind offer.

Lying down is simply a punishment to me. Lol, simply the act of turning over to another side is enough to make me wince in pain and I got to just turn over s...l..o..w...l...y to minimise the pain. :embarrassed:
I had plenty of MS too. From 1st tri went in hospital for drips because can't even stomach plain water, 2nd tri start to itch all over the body, still got nausea and cannot eat very well, then started coughing until got one-time streak of blood in my phlegm, now every night cannot sleep very well, tummy BIG and itchy all over (got pupps).............SIANZZZZ.............


New Member
I am lucky not to have any morning sickness and a very easy pregnancy up to 36th weeks. But it is really true on what people says - dont't count your blessings before they hatched.

*Winces* i have been suffering from pelvic pain since 36th week. Walking / standing after sitting down or lying for a long time simply hurts. The first time it happens, I fell down straight after attempting to walk right after standing up. It helps when I am on the move or when I am simply standing. So, in the MRTs when people give up their seats to me, 99% of the time, i will reject their kind offer.

Lying down is simply a punishment to me. Lol, simply the act of turning over to another side is enough to make me wince in pain and I got to just turn over s...l..o..w...l...why to minimise the pain. :embarrassed:
Hug hug!!! I truely understand all your pain, it happen to me as well...
I am amazed that you can still stand in the train, no backache at all? I can't stand for too long else there will be a sharp pain on my back. Now 37 weeks but I still drive to work everyday and I very much enjoy it coz at least driving makes me feel I am normal, thou getting in and out of the car is a "heavy chore" for me.

Bear with it, very soon we'll get to see our dear baby. I now try not to bother so much about the pain, get as much rest as possible and do moderate amount of walking hoping that will help me have a smooth delivery.


Hug hug!!! I truely understand all your pain, it happen to me as well...
I am amazed that you can still stand in the train, no backache at all? I can't stand for too long else there will be a sharp pain on my back. Now 37 weeks but I still drive to work everyday and I very much enjoy it coz at least driving makes me feel I am normal, thou getting in and out of the car is a "heavy chore" for me.

Bear with it, very soon we'll get to see our dear baby. I now try not to bother so much about the pain, get as much rest as possible and do moderate amount of walking hoping that will help me have a smooth delivery.
I found that activity has always makes me feel better and that includes walking, standing up or just moving about. It is the sitting down and the lying down that makes my body feels so uncomfortable and pain / soreness always accompany a long period of inactivity. Not sure why is that so.

Well, I don't get backache from standing up in the train. In fact just about 2 days ago, I was standing for a total of 1 1/2 hours on the bus from Chinatown to Loyang, all because there was this fat Malaysian girl occupying two seats and talking on the phone throughout the entire journey *Rolls Eyes*

Hehe.. another 2 more weeks for you? Where are you delivering?


New Member
I found that activity has always makes me feel better and that includes walking, standing up or just moving about. It is the sitting down and the lying down that makes my body feels so uncomfortable and pain / soreness always accompany a long period of inactivity. Not sure why is that so.

Well, I dont't get backache from standing up in the train. In fact just about 2 days ago, I was standing for a total of 1 1/2 hours on the bus from Chinatown to Loyang, all because there was this fat Malaysian girl occupying two seats and talking on the phone throughout the entire journey *Rolls Eyes*

Hehe.. another 2 more weeks for you? Where are you delivering?
Yes, 2 more weeks for me and delivering at East Shore.
Hope to have a tiger baby. EDD is 16 Feb, but no gain weight for the past 2 weeks (Baby now 2.7kg) and gyn might want to induce next week.... :(

WOW, just realised your EDD is 3rd Feb, ALL THE BEST!!! JIA YOU!!!
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New Member
My EDD is 28th Feb.. But i already on ML.. Since 29th jan... Early right?? Hahaha.. Me and hubby is born in TIGER year.. and our lil prince will be born in tiger year too.. We are tiger family... weee...
*Winces* i have been suffering from pelvic pain since 36th week. Walking / standing after sitting down or lying for a long time simply hurts. The first time it happens, I fell down straight after attempting to walk right after standing up. It helps when I am on the move or when I am simply standing. So, in the MRTs when people give up their seats to me, 99% of the time, i will reject their kind offer.

Lying down is simply a punishment to me. Lol, simply the act of turning over to another side is enough to make me wince in pain and I got to just turn over s...l..o..w...l...y to minimise the pain. :embarrassed:[/quote]

Hihi... yes i have similar problem when I was lying down and needed to turn around. The groin is really painful and when turned to the middle, the pelvic bone similar kills. There was a nite which I burst into tears with all pain. It only started afte 36 wks.
hihi Feb mummies... anybody will be induced next week? I'll be admitting on this monday monday, 8 Feb nite to be induced with pill insertion. if still no show the next morning, will burst water bag and hopefull bb comes out quick quick. I'm so nervous and starting to count down... so scare....


New Member
hihi Feb mummies... anybody will be induced next week? I'll be admitting on this monday monday, 8 Feb nite to be induced with pill insertion. if still no show the next morning, will burst water bag and hopefull baby comes out quick quick. I'm so nervous and starting to count down... so scare....
All the best to you!! jiayou!!!
Actually I am very tempted to induce on Monday nite too, personally I feel that 9 Feb is good (if you believe and check the astrological weight for the baby). But my hubby prefer Tiger baby, I have to bear with the pain for another 10 days or so.... :(


New Member
Hi there gals.. I'm a first time mom-to-be, EDD is 14th Feb 2010. I'm feeling very excited.. but not many people here (where i live in US) with the same due date.. glad to see a few MTBs here with Feb 2010 EDDs.. Just curious, is anyone here overdue yet? and do they do membrane stripping in Sg? (coz that is what my doc suggested for my 39th week checkup) feeling a bit nervous about it.. coz I read conflicting stuff on the internet if it works or not..

Mummy_201002- I also have the same pelvic pain.. especially when I sit for too long, and get up to walk after that.. so I try to walk or stand, rather than sit down. :) glad to know that there's someone else out there who feels the same way..

I've been getting stronger braxton hicks contractions recently.. but no regular contractions yet...
Hi there gals.. I'm a first time mom-to-be, EDD is 14th Feb 2010. I'm feeling very excited.. but not many people here (where i live in US) with the same due date.. glad to see a few MTBs here with Feb 2010 EDDs.. Just curious, is anyone here overdue yet? and do they do membrane stripping in Sg? (coz that is what my doc suggested for my 39th week checkup) feeling a bit nervous about it.. coz I read conflicting stuff on the internet if it works or not..

Mummy_201002- I also have the same pelvic pain.. especially when I sit for too long, and get up to walk after that.. so I try to walk or stand, rather than sit down. :) glad to know that there's someone else out there who feels the same way..

I've been getting stronger braxton hicks contractions recently.. but no regular contractions yet...

Hihi, which part of US you putting up? We have friends in NY :)

I am not overdue yet, but getting impatient with the pelvic pain and itchy skin especially at night which makes it harder to sleep.......Thinking of inducing labour too as it does not appeal to me to wait for k-bear (nickname for bb) past my EDD on 20th Feb....Some mild cramps and BH, not much else.

But mil / mum and friends say it can happen quite fast if labour is really triggered. Head for hospital straight if bloody show or water bag trickles or burst esp the latter as amniotic fluid is running out...

Hope this helps.


Alpha Male
my 1st 2 pregnancies gv me hell in e 1st trimester... my MS is very bad... vomit fr day till nite... huggin e dustbin e whole day... 2nd pregnancy is worst... not 2 mention MS i even gt motion sickness... start 2 vomit once e cab start until i reach my destination... lolx
now i m enterin 2nd trimester oreadi... countin dwn days till my next scannin @ ADC in Kandang Kerbau Hospital *smile*

just enjoy your current pregnancy now...
Thumbs up for all mothers.
My wife is going to deliver our 2nd baby any time this month (cannot wait to see baby). After looking at our son, my wife was eager to have more babies but during this pregnancy she told me that she will consider if she want to have more babies :D.
I am already happy to have 1 + coming baby. Hoping to see baby soon.

Debbie Tan

New Member
Hello Mummies!! :)

Anyone hasn't gotten themselves a baby carrier?


I have a BRAND NEW BABY BJORN (HOT PINK) SPIRIT CARRIER to give away for a price.

I have received a sling carrier for my bb's baby shower and I prefer using the sling. It looks like I have no use for this Baby Bjorn. It is NOT opened and definitely Brand New, comes with box.

I am giving it away for $150. I bought at RRP $179.

Mommies, please help me clear some excess stock.:)

Interested, please PM me or email at debisalso@gmail.com
Thank you v much! :)