EDD in Sept 2011

actually is because of the hormous things, my hair tend to be oily easily, pimples etc. haiz never like this before
oh i see, you can try to use different time of shampoo. my first pregnancy was like tt too... then i change my shampoo.. it get a lil better.=)))
hi all. i just held my ROM last sunday. and my husband went missing on weds till today, together with my wedding band and the brand new led tv in the room. i just went to report him missing. and he zao with the baby money. how on earth can this man behave like this
very sad de... really cruel person... :(


i saw Nuk products at Metro at compass point..
Is it? :) great! So close to me but i didnt know.

So hows everyone feeling? My feet are getting tired easily now. Going for a short holiday to bintan next week. Cant wait to relax n do nothing! Hope i dont get sick on the ferry tho.
Is it? :) great! So close to me but i didnt know.

So hows everyone feeling? My feet are getting tired easily now. Going for a short holiday to bintan next week. Cant wait to relax n do nothing! Hope i dont get sick on the ferry tho.
envy=)) yeah getting tired easily. weight increasing like mad... haas!=D
Is it? :) great! So close to me but i didnt know.

So hows everyone feeling? My feet are getting tired easily now. Going for a short holiday to bintan next week. Cant wait to relax n do nothing! Hope i dont get sick on the ferry tho.
yep just 2 rows of the Nuk products mainly bottles....

i am getting tired easily too.. i dont dare to go on ferry or plan as even just a short outing to find baby stuff, i feel exhausted...
and just want to get back to bed n sleep lol....

do anyone feel very humid these days? i sweat so much!! even in aircon room is like normal room temp!
yep just 2 rows of the Nuk products mainly bottles....

i am getting tired easily too.. i dont dare to go on ferry or plan as even just a short outing to find baby stuff, i feel exhausted...
and just want to get back to bed n sleep lol....

do anyone feel very humid these days? i sweat so much!! even in aircon room is like normal room temp!
DAMN HOT. the aircon is new one somemore....=.=


Actually dont need to go away for a break... Can just go watch movie with hubby or nice lil dinner together. No cleaning the house, no anything, just pamper urself with things u can do on ur own. My fav is take a nice cold shower then just lay in front of air con or fan with a face mask on. So nice.... But it's my hubby's bday as well so a bit more celebration.

Cant wait to give birth already. Sometimes tummy feels so tight n uncomfortable. Do u ladies get cramps down there? Not tummy but vagina! I get that a few times already, weird feeling. I think i had it during my 1st also.... Cant remember.


After days of emo-ing and stress over other people's problems, my little princess Charlotte made both my hubby and i LMAO and Cried Laffing.. haha

I had placed my hand on the right side of my tummy and placed my hubby's hand on the left side.. Cos hubby's blood pressure was too high 173 over 80/90+ so i said cannot play game already, play whole day, asked him go sleep.. then he gave me the toot toot ke lian face.. So I asked Princess Charlotte to choose lo..

I said, "OK, let Charlotte choose. Baby, if you don't let daddy play game you kick mama hand (me rub my side of the tummy to signal this is my hand). If you let daddy play game then you kick daddy hand (rubs hubby hand on the other side of the tummy)"

Immediately after hubby stopped rubbing, Charlotte gave one HARD kick on my hubby's hand, it was really hard as my hubby really pressed real hard on the side of the tummy and his hand popped up.. We were both so shocked and amazed.. we ended up laffing until we cried.. LoL.. best day EVER!! haha


Cant wait to give birth already. Sometimes tummy feels so tight n uncomfortable. Do you ladies get cramps down there? Not tummy but vagina! I get that a few times already, weird feeling. I think i had it during my 1st also.... Cant remember.
I thot i something wrong.. I dont't feel cramps, but it's like feel something PUSHING downwards want to come out liddat.. but it's not around the vjj it's around the pee area there..

N YESSSSS!! sooo hot!! I hate wearing bras now! Just wanna stay naked in the room!!
:shyxxx: i understand how you feel.. cos i sleep naked every night .. SHIOK! :001_302:


I thot i something wrong.. I dont't feel cramps, but it's like feel something PUSHING downwards want to come out liddat.. but it's not around the vjj it's around the pee area there..

:shyxxx: i understand how you feel.. cos i sleep naked every night .. SHIOK! :001_302:
Yes yes! Like that! Scary when u wanna go toilet right?
I also sleep naked! High 5!

Carisella, good to know u feel better now! More happy days ahead! :)


did checkup last sat. bb is now 577gm at wk 22. gynae say okie, not really obese. whew! but still ask me to watch over my diet or else tough to slim down after giving birth.

now, i always feels gastric pains at upper tummy and aching sour feeling at womb. gynae said that is bb growing and womb expanding. guess it is a good sign!

chocobaby, what a coincidence! i'm going for holidays next week too, but i'm going for cruise instead. can't wait for it!

yeah, i also start to feel tired easily. just shop for 30mins and i need a rest. when i walked too long or too much, my ankles will hurt. i thot 2nd tri is supposed to be honeymoon period and the tiredness should only kick in after June. now considering to invest in fitflops. many friends told me the fitflop sandals are good especially for preggie women as it give more support.

ladies, GSS is starting this week! best time to start to buy bb stuff i think! i aim to complete most shopping by June. i think by July, i will be too tired to really shop!

carisella, bb charlotte is soooooo cute! super daddy's girl, side with her daddy! mine is opposite. whenever my hubby ask bb to kick, he ignore him. but when i asked him to kick, most of the time, he will cooperate. hahahaha...
lols. i cant slp naked. haas living with the in law... room no toilet. i keep running to the toilet to urine in the middle of the night. if slp naked have to dress, undress duno how many times. lols. although i very much wish to do tt. haas!

yeah carisella.! i m happy that u feel better=D life still goes on yeah=D

dolphyant, why have to watch diet?=(