EDD in Sept 2011


Hello sept mums-to-be!! I'm new here, well been kaypoh reading most of the forums actually. Now then join. So nice to see all soon to be mums chatting so i thought i'd join. I'm expecting my 2nd on 20th Sept. My first is 13 years old already, so much years difference and it feels like first time pregnancy again. Can't wait to wait out if my baby is boy or girl. Anybody have any idea about urs yet?
13 years difference!!! but don't worry.. i have another fren whose hubby is 20 years difference from his siblings..

Not sure about gender for mine yet.. 9apr hopefully gynae can tell me is boy or girl.. then i can OFFICIALLY go shopping for bb clothes <3...

My mom says confirm girl (cos she say my tummy low)
My sister says confirm boy (cos the last picture from gynae, we saw hot dog :$)

Mommy now is angry cos mommy owe sister $100 .. they bet on my baby's sex.. but also not confirm yet..
Mommy is more angry to hear her colleagues say I become more ugly cos they say means it's boy.. LOL!

Haven't confirm yet, she is become silly grandmother already ..


Ive already go to Thomson tour already.. quite alright.. Mt A is located where huh? Sori im not good at direction.. :p
Mt A is opposite MacRitchie Reservoir there.. that time go for my baby's Down Syndrome Scan is thot can join the tour.. in the end.. no time.. :(


13 years difference!!! but don't worry.. i have another fren whose hubby is 20 years difference from his siblings..

Not sure about gender for mine yet.. 9apr hopefully gynae can tell me is boy or girl.. then i can OFFICIALLY go shopping for bb clothes <3...

My mom says confirm girl (cos she say my tummy low)
My sister says confirm boy (cos the last picture from gynae, we saw hot dog :$)

Mommy now is angry cos mommy owe sister $100 .. they bet on my baby's sex.. but also not confirm yet..
Mommy is more angry to hear her colleagues say I become more ugly cos they say means it's boy.. LOL!

Haven't confirm yet, she is become silly grandmother already ..
No le, wat i heard is round tummy is gal, shape tummy is boy.
If mummy is ugly den u will be expecting gal.. if mummy become pretty den is boy.


Mt A is opposite MacRitchie Reservoir there.. that time go for my baby's Down Syndrome Scan is thot can join the tour.. in the end.. no time.. :(
Oh den it is very far from me..
At first I will like to consider the Parkway East Hospital one, coz is really near my house.. in the end, I think the facilities is not as good as Thomson, correct me if im wrong..


Yah i heard about that also, if mummy ugly that means girl. Hehehe.... So funny right. If I purposely make myself ugly will get girl or not. My grandma say if expand around the waist will be girl, if expand forward boy. But i see mine like everywhere expand lah...


New Member
I think there are too many theories from the elderlies.. Let's just relax :)

My mom told me if I look ugly, I'm having a boy.. All so different..

Anyway our babies only form finish their genital organ in 15th week.. So I think try not to guess from the scan too. Cos sometimes it may be just umbilical cord :)

Anyway I've been starting to browse for baby stuff.. Have a good feel of what to get and getting ready for motherhood fair, usually in June and taka fair, usually in august!

How are u ladies?

My bump is coming out :) so small though.. Need to fight for seats myself in trains and buses.. Sian..


I think there are too many theories from the elderlies.. Let's just relax :)

My mom told me if I look ugly, I'm having a boy.. All so different..

Anyway our babies only form finish their genital organ in 15th week.. So I think try not to guess from the scan too. Cos sometimes it may be just umbilical cord :)

Anyway I've been starting to browse for baby stuff.. Have a good feel of what to get and getting ready for motherhood fair, usually in June and taka fair, usually in august!

How are u ladies?

My bump is coming out :) so small though.. Need to fight for seats myself in trains and buses.. Sian..
Aiyo, my tummy bump out b4 3rd months already.. i also need to fight for seat too.. it looks like no one wanna give up seat for me.. :(


I try not to take train or bus during peak hours, very rare for people to give up seats. But once i took the train then one of their mrt staff saw me got on, he so sweet, knock on the window n when people look at him, he point to me. Hehhehe...

I also looking forward to start shopping, quite a few baby fairs coming up like u said. First thing on my mind is baby cot. Donnoe to get plastic or wood. Some can convert to play pen, which is good lah so baby can still use when older.


I try not to take train or bus during peak hours, very rare for people to give up seats. But once i took the train then one of their mrt staff saw me got on, he so sweet, knock on the window n when people look at him, he point to me. Hehhehe...

I also looking forward to start shopping, quite a few baby fairs coming up like u said. First thing on my mind is baby cot. Donnoe to get plastic or wood. Some can convert to play pen, which is good lah so baby can still use when older.
Haha.. icic.. usually i take bus home. I got coy tpt to bring us to bedok interchange, den from interchange i took a bus home. In the morning my FIL send me to work, coz my work place is at Changi North Way, it's really a "Niao Bu Shen Dan" place u see..

Yes, I wanna to get tat baby cot too.. and it is not cheap.. :(


I also work changi north! Heheheh... My transport until simei then i take train then bus. So sian...

I saw the baby cot/play pen on sale for $99 but plastic one. Dont know to buy or not... Scared buy now then later on have better one.


I also work changi north! Heheheh... My transport until simei then i take train then bus. So sian...

I saw the baby cot/play pen on sale for $99 but plastic one. Dont know to buy or not... Scared buy now then later on have better one.
Oh isit.. what is yr coy? Mine is Flextronics.
$99 so cheap? where u saw it? isit small one? my hub prefer not to buy plastic one..


my next scan is on 12 apr. also detailed scan. so excited to find out the gender so i can go shopping!! but my pantang friends say cannot buy baby cot till 7 mths


New Member
hello.. my folks are even more pantang! anyway i got a hand-me-down baby cot from a relative, very happy.. my family is all advising me to only build the cot after i give birth.. meaning they will be going to my place to help me set up while im hospitalized.. they suggested the later the better... when i asked why.. they only said, for the well being of the baby...


whatever.. since they are helping me to set up haha

anyway the most important thing is the mattress i feel... and im goin to look for other options than latex mattress.. that time my nephew vomitted millk on his bed, and the mattress was so smelly and stink the whole room, even after being washed! i heard that latex mattress shouldn't be washed, but the milk was already sipped through the mattress. i nearly vomitted just by standing near the toilet while my mom was washing it.

i have confirmed my confinement lady =) referred by a friend, saw her in person and in action. not bad.. but cos its only me and hubby and baby and her in the house.. i asked my hubby to act "tough" and "demanding" first. i dont want her to be complacent.

thanks for sharing about the metro fair! i shall go take a look =)

for mothers who are considering avent, medela products, go to The First Few Years at Paragon, they sell the products at much cheaper price, especially for medela, even cheaper than what is offered at baby fair. They also sell strollers at cheaper price than outside. For eg, Maclaren Techno XT can be sold for $480 at First Few Years when it is sold for $518 after discount elsewhere!


New Member
Oh ya, are you all interested in baby seminar held by Pigeon?

It is on 23rd April at Intercontinental.

Talk held by Mrs Wong, the lactation expert from TMC.

I signed up for the freebies, its only $15 per couple. With goodies bag provided by pigeon and they will definitely be selling their products there too. Lunch is provided as well!

Go check out pigeon website =)


i will sign up too. sigh. hopefully can meet more mums there too. im so bored watching HK dramas at home. still got 4 mths to go. looking for a 3 mth admin temp job. sian.


Oh ya, are you all interested in baby seminar held by Pigeon?

It is on 23rd April at Intercontinental.

Talk held by Mrs Wong, the lactation expert from TMC.

I signed up for the freebies, its only $15 per couple. With goodies bag provided by pigeon and they will definitely be selling their products there too. Lunch is provided as well!

Go check out pigeon website =)
Aiya :( i might not be able to go.. That day I got detailed scanning.. dunno will take how long :( sekali like the Down Syndrome test 5 hours.. i gone case liao :(

And if anyone can make my mom understand that no two pregnant women symptoms are the same.. I'll be sooo happy.. She keep asking me why I keep getting sick, why i will have morning sickness, why i cannot poop, why i got so many problems =.="

Then i'll tell her, because when i baby you never gimme ur neh neh =.="
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hehehe.... my sister, aunties etc all also like that. why this? why that? how i know??? hahahaha....

why most talks on weekends ah, for mummies who work on weekend very rugi cannot go...