EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi magpie,
My boy also 5.5 mths and rather fussy as he doesn't seems to be well rested and slp well at night. But don't know why he loves gg to his infantcare and really behaves himself in sch. According to the teacher he is a very easy baby, teacher said baby tends to bully mummy. Argh ! So envious u can be sahm, Woking mum esp coping with Bb nightwaking is horrible.

Reiann, I also thought of giving bb all organic stuff, but is it really necessary ? Scared too clean they have no immunity, for certain food that has high in pesticides such as rice and grains I buy organic. But veggie can we buy those hydroponic ones? Seems cleaner right ?

How many times of solid u all feed for a start ? I read just once a day for a week, then twice a day for the second week and then 3 times a day for third week and introduce new food everyweek ? It seems such a long journey and I cant wait to let him try new food ! Do u all feed solid when bb is out ? How to bring solid food out? Warm up first will it turns bad? Esp cereal with bm in it ? Don't know how to feed esp my boy like always so fussy

Yeah this thread is alive again.


I don't really believe in all organic, but if its raw like avocado, or food that tends to hve high levels of pesticide, I will buy organic. I didn't buy organic sweet potato. And it's just for now. When she's older I won't stick to organic.

I started with one meal a day for just a few days and moved on to twice a day. It's really up to you... You're the mum. I can tell my baby is ready for more. She's v interested in new tastes, really liked it, so I went ahead. I also only test new food for two days and then move onto next food.

As I feed her solids at about 11, I will keep food refrigerated in cooler bag and take it out, then feed. That's for freshly prep food. If not, I'll hear up at home thoroughly then cool in cooler bag and feed.


Heyyy mummies... ive been coming out here too just reading other threads :) and glad this ones come back to life...

My baby is quite good at rolling around, she can roll and drag herself to her toys, toward us and I think her sense of direction is really good.. Last week she even started getting up on her knees, does push ups trying to stand, pushing herself forward and then falling down, does not push herself on her palms but does more of an elbow crawl. She still cant sit, puts her head down or slants sideways when in the stroller. She has also started recognising our voices and words that we talk. For example when shes on the floor playing and starts fussing, if I say 'come' she knows im calling her to be carried and she stops fussing or pushes herself toward me.

Shes got absolutely no signs of any teeth coming out yet, though a couple of weeks ago we did think she was teething cos she kept biting our fingers and absolutely everything that was within her reach. We did not even get to see her lower lip for a whole two weeks, as it was being bitten by her. But still nothing.

I started my bb on solids on March 3rd when she was 23 weeks old, honestly I wanted to wait till she was six months but then realised it doesnt mean that once they hit six months they are ready overnight. We started feeling really bad to even eat in front of her cos it felt like she wanted food. She would even try grabbing things off of my plate when out for lunch or dinner to put into her mouth. Thats what made me decide that it was time. Anyways I started her on rice cereal for four days, then did carrot puree for four days, sweet potato for two days and started her on apple puree today. I did sweet potato for just two days cos I noticed my bb was pooing quite alot in volume and it was a weird brownish greeny yellow.. ok that was tmi sorry... She absolutely loves her food, opens her mouth wide when I take the spoon to her mouth. And i love lunch times just feeding her. Ive been giving her just one meal, and will start two once she hits the sixth month mark on the 20th..

Oh and my babys sleeping is terrible too, though I must say for the past two nights its been a little better. I am almost on the verge of stopping breast feeding cos she always wakes up and wants my breasts. She has been waking up every hour / 1.5 hrs just so that she can have my boob in her mouth. My nipples are so sore on some days, and the worst part is she cries when she doesn get what she wants, refuses the paci too nowadays. Ok so what worked these past two nights is that ive been pumping my milk and bottle feeding her for her last feed. I somehow force her to finish 220 - 250 ml of milk. I wanna stop latching her cos I really think its becoming a habit more than just drinking. The good thing is im a sahm so I dont have to wake up early to gt to work.

How do you put your babies to sleep? Mine almost always has to suck to sleep.. last night I just decided not to and she took about an hour to sleep on her own.

Theres a sept 2013 thread already active :) missing being pregnant .... lol


Hi ahwang mummy
My bb in ifc too! Working mum preparing for ifc every morn n night very tiring. I hardly get enough sleep! Glad I surviving! :p


New Member
Glad to see you Kary. I'm an Indian too n face just the same issues u earlier wrote. Hope everythings settled fir you now. My in laws just arrived to Sg. Anxious to say the least!


Active Member
piglim i'm here!!

she's 6.5 mths with 2 little pearlies (i hate it when she bites when latching!!) now and i'm still on no pay leave, so i latch on demand and i still dont know how much she's actually taking. haha~

started on solids. she loves her avocado. i just mashed it up and feed her neat. sweet potatoes blended with breast milk but she spits those out a lot. although she still opens her mouth wide for the next mouthful, only to spit out again lol. maybe i'll try blending sweet potatoes with broccoli like reiann! she's ok with apple puree though, steamed and mashed. ok with brown rice cereal too, instant ones mixed with breast milk. i still feed her only once a day *too lazy* maybe i should really start giving her 2 and then 3 feeds a day!

she can flip front and back now, but still can't really sit without toppling, still need a little support. but with support she can sit up straight and hold her head up on her own.

magpie, my baby also only roll towards her right... not sure why also haha... maybe cos i sleep on her right? =P

she used to sleep through the night but somehow after her last jab and her fever which causes her to be up pretty often at night, she starts waking up for feeds again. gaaahhh... i prefer sleeping with her and just stuff the boob in and go back to sleep without getting outta bed, but now i wonder how i'll ever get her to wean that off ><

kary i let her suck to sleep too >< and i miss being preggy too!!

urgh now i totally dread gg back to work in june. gaaahhh~~!


Magpie - welcome here!!! Its good to see another Indian here :) lol about the in laws.. just today i told my mum that i think ive gotten used to the mil around, I wad bickering in my head later through the day about her.. but oh what the heck. How old is your baby?

Vern its nice to know that im not the only one nursing to sleep.. when ive told one or two aunties about it they go like its such a bad habit, and ive been beating myself up for telling them. But im really hoping she sleeps on her own. I tried the sleeping on her own today too but it took soo long and my hubby and mil came into the room and disturbed her so I lost it and just offered her my boob. Bahhhh ....


Piglim heyyy... we r still alive ;) I wanna know how did you introduce chicken to your baby? I was thinking initially just use the chicken stock, but now that you said you give chicken breast itself I think i will start a little at a time too.. Please share non veg recipes, though I think ill wait till she hits seven months and then feed her meaty food, scared that once she gets the taste of meat she may not really eat her veges.


New Member
Thanks Kary.
I nurse my baby to sleep too. Infact i nurse him to nap also!! He never sleeps/naps by himself. I dont know about habit but i simply wont bother to try anything else :)


Active Member
haha she does sleep on her own sometimes but will take very long and easily distracted, and i hv to be next to her of course... nursing her to nap/sleep is the fastest way to get her asleep so i can get on with watever that i wanna do! haha XD

so i'm really not looking forward to gg back to work cos i can't accompany her or nurse her to nap anymore =/ wish i can just continue to stay at home!


Hi All,

Its been long time since posted in the forum. Glad that its still moving on after some time. My boy is turning 6mths soon and intending to start solid soon. Before I have the chance to see his response on his 1st solid food, sad to say it was been introduced by his nanny earlier on. Now, i feel its time to start him with solid however am so clueless on how to start as in how much to give etc. Do u all feed using high chair? Does anyone of you let ur baby sit on walker? Understand from PD that walker is dangerous as it might lead to accident so unsure if were to buy high chair will baby sit thorough for meal. Let him try outside but sit for awhile den start crying.

Surprise to hear that most of you nurse baby to slp.. I'm also one of them, keep feeling that its a bad habit but cant help it as find that this is the fastest way. Not sure how to wean off the bad habit. And most often when he wake up in the middle of nite sometimes feel its just to suck to slp back..


Just came back from pd.. Errr I thot it's the final jab.. But nope. Reiann cos I counted that my son has had 6 jabs alrdy so I thought it will b another 6mths before he gets jabbed again but I'm wrong! Every mth still needs to go for his jab.. Poor boy... Luckily he cried for like 2 secs ;)

kary.. I steam the meat n blend the blend.. Add the stock/water so that it becomes like a paste.
As my son only eats like few tablespoon I froze the rest in cube trays.. But today asked pd for her advise she says best to do it fresh even though the intake little... (Cos nutrients lost when u freeze them) So gotta try out this wkend to see how... N surprise surprise my pd asks me to start fish on him! Goosh like super fast. Actually I dun think he's ready for food cos he still suck the food from the spoon (the way he latches on my breast) but well... He does enjoys the food n now snatches the fruit (plum) that I'm eating! Hhahah oh n he has got one pearlie white coming out.

Felicity totally no joke.. My son bite n pull my nipple!! Goosh think his gums sore or wat.. Bite pull bite pull.. I was screaming at the nursing room at Centrepoint the other day! Hahah

memory I think best to feed on high chair to train the kid. I did that since my son was 4.5mths so he kinda knows whenever he's on e high chair it means meal times.

Initially I started with 1 tablespoon porridge for 1 week. Then when on to 2 tablespoon the next wk. for breakfast n dinner 1 cube of carrot/potato/banana/apple..etc then for the 4th wk onwards it became porridge twice a day. Day n night. My pd says he should be eating half a cup.. But my son only eats like 4-5tableapoons! So gotta train him eat more. He's 7.75kg ;) I m so gonna try the brocolli n sweet potato that reiann recommended! ;) sounds yum!


Piglim what are these jabs for? I thought hep b at six months and then again at one year... I can't wait to weigh my baby now at her next pd appointment, more importantly I wanna know her length cos I've not been able to measure her length. She seems to be just growing tall, cos her rompers and pants are all getting short but none are getting tighter.


Active Member
my little one was 68.5 cm and 7.69 kg at her last check when she was 6 mths... and yup, the next scheduled appt is when she's 12 mths...

piglim, tell me abt it, and she has like 2 teeth already!! a few times she bites me, i actually slapped her >< with my fingers, and being a toughie that didn't make her cry, but just frown and stares at me. i have to keep telling her, it's painful for mummy! if you have to keep doing it, i'll stop latching u!! urgh. luckily she didn't keep doing it though lol


Thanks Mamas for reviving this thread again. I havent been too active in the past and it was very enjoyable reading what you ladies have posted. And I miss it so much! But I guess we all have to do our part to keep the thread alive. So here I am!

My boy turned 6 month on Sunday and we started solids for him at week 25. He has tried 4 days each of rice cereal, banana and sweet potato and will be doing apple starting tomorrow. Thereafter I am planning to introduce barley cereal, avocado... this is so exciting!!! He is finishing his food but he is also very easily distracted so he takes a while to finish his 2 tablespoon portion. Starting next week I am also planning to feed him solids in the afternoon.

My boy is still huge, during his last check up few days ago he was 9.2kg and 68cm long. He is still on mixed feed, i.e. latches on in the morning and evening, and taking the bottle in noon (3oz breastmilk mixed with 6oz formula) and before bed (8 oz formula). I am hoping that his milk intake will not decrease after his solid feedings are established. I am planning to continue breastfeeding when I get back to work next month. It's going to be tough cos I have no milk bank and it's quite impossible for me to start one cos my supply is just enough to meet his demand. I would have to rush home in the evening for his feed. I feel guilty not continuing cos he hasnt been breastfed exclusively. We'll see how things go...

He is rolling and is attempting to lift his butt up to crawl now, loves standing and needs assistance while sitting. 2 pearlies appeared since he was 5 month old. Not biting yet and hopefully never.

As for sleep, he dropped his last night feed a month ago but he still gets up in the middle of the night on some days and need coaxing to get back to sleep. Since last month he has been getting nightmares (or night terrors?) About 2-3 hours into his sleep he will be screaming and crying. Most of the time he doesnt get up (sometimes he does and refuse to get back to sleep) and we need to pat him back to sleep. On a bad night he can have nightmares hourly. I am not sure what is causing them. Wonder if anyone else is experiencing this??

He is such a joy to be with and I am really not sure how things will be once I get back to work!!!


Mummies, what brand of cereals u gave ur bb ? I bought organic cereals brands like happy bellies and earth best for him. Bought from us online but got to pay for shipping. Where u all buy cheap organic cereals ? And I heard nestle cerelac is sweet and higher tendency to cause obesity is that true ?


Hmm I gave my son only organic rice blended into powder form. Just fed plain for two weeks before I started mixing with stuff.. Yes nestle sweet! I wouldn't eat it myself actually...


Mummies, what brand of cereals u gave ur bb ? I bought organic cereals brands like happy bellies and earth best for him. Bought from us online but got to pay for shipping. Where u all buy cheap organic cereals ? And I heard nestle cerelac is sweet and higher tendency to cause obesity is that true ?
i also heard nestle cerelac is sweet... tasted it myself and doesn't find it sweet.. not sure if it's because of my taste buds.. :p


Hi mummy
I am giving my bb happy bellies brown rice cereal and earth best puree too. Bought from iherb.com. He seems to be taking it quite well:)