Feeling frustrated


Well-Known Member
Hi mummies, i just feel frustrated recently and hope that i can feel better after i write it down.

My dear daughter's 11 months old and weighs only 7.2kg (she may even have lost some wt lately coz she just recovered from flu). Was 2.43kg at birth. I've told some of you that it's ok to have small babies as long as they're thriving well and are reaching milestones. Docs also never say much about her weight. It's just that i've been getting very frustrated whenever i bring dear daughter out coz she's REALLY small and coz she's cute so EVERY time i bring her out there'd be at least like 4-5 strangers who'll ask about her age and look shocked and appalled that an 11-month-old can be so small. They think that she's much younger coz of her size. and some will even pass comments like "huh!!! almost 1 year old how can be so small???! Most 1 your olds are very big and strong already". I get damn pissed coz my dear daughter is small but strong... small doesn't mean not strong what...

Anyway, she just doesn't eat much semisolid food. She doesn't have the patience to finish her food and always wants to go and play. The only comforting thing is that she's still drinking milk from me. But some of my friends commented that she's small maybe coz my breast milk not good enuff coz my friend is bfding and her baby is HUGE. I really wanna tell them coz my friend and her dear husband are big-sized and their baby was born big (3.8kg), so there's no comparison at all... :(

Fortunately my family thinks that it's normal to have small breastfed baby (coz my uncle's wife bf till her son was 3yrs old) and that breast milk is the best so i dont get pressure from my own family. My mother in law doesn't make any bad comments about my breast milk but she thinks that i dont feed my dear daughter properly when it comes to solids. I already tried my best but my dear daughter just eats a few mouths then refuses to open her mouth. What can i do? I ask my mum to cook and try to feed her, she also behaves in the same way. Yday i heard my dear husband telling my mil on the phone that i feed dear daughter properly, even when i went to sentosa to stay i even brought my slow cooker to cook porridge for her. How can she even think that i will ill-treat my dear daughter?

Sorry for the long post. Just very upset about everything...


Well-Known Member
Hug Hug dearie ,

dont be sad ok .. some kids tend to be like that .. did you see my dear daughter that day at fidgets ?? she is 9yrs old but only 20kg+ only while my dear son now about 9kg ... Most of the baby girls i see all small size so dont blame yourself for all these ok ... dont care about your mother in law just take it she is singing .... she dont understand now & her times are so different ..
Now even have H1N1 you go ask her lastime have anot huh ... chey .....


snowbear dearie,


hows yr window grilles? heh~~

feeling beta lee mahh?

dun care abt those remarks.....one ear in one ear out....

my son oso tall and thin lols~~~they alway say he is skinny boy....but he is eating alot and healthy, tats most impt

*sayang sayangz*


Well-Known Member
snowbear dearie,


hows your window grilles? heh~~

feeling beta lee mahh?

dont care about those remarks.....one ear in one ear out....

my son also tall and thin lols~~~they alway say he is skinny boy....but he is eating alot and healthy, tats most impt

*sayang sayangz*
thanks cancan bossie.. the grills done leee! Very fast. But he had to send his men down twice coz got some mistake with the measurement.

Hug Hug dearie ,

dont be sad ok .. some kids tend to be like that .. did you see my dear daughter that day at fidgets ?? she is 9yrs old but only 20kg+ only while my dear son now about 9kg ... Most of the baby girls i see all small size so dont blame yourself for all these ok ... dont care about your mother in law just take it she is singing .... she dont understand now & her times are so different ..
Now even have H1N1 you go ask her lastime have anot huh ... chey .....
Just very frustrated recently coz dd dunno why after her flu became naughtier!!! Cry and throw tantrums when we don't allow her to do what she wants. I also dunno why she became such a picky eater. She used to eat EVERYTHING i prepared for her last time. sad sad...


good good done liaoo beta at ease heeee let me call him and scold him being a blurr sotong lols~~~ hope it doesnt cause inconvenience to u yaaa?


Well-Known Member
good good done liaoo beta at ease heeee let me call him and scold him being a blurr sotong lols~~~ hope it doesnt cause inconvenience to you yaaa?
no prob at all... :) dun need to scold him laaa.. think it's the way my balcony is shaped that gave him the prob.


My dear daughter's 11 months old and weighs only 7.2kg (she may even have lost some wt lately coz she just recovered from flu). Was 2.43kg at birth.

, health is not measured by size. So don't let comments affect you. My son is also very petite despite his huge appetite. He was 2.6kg at birth and now at 17 months, he weighs only 8.5kg (always fall sick cos in infant care so each time looses the weight he gain..v. heartache)! So comparing that to your daughter, I'm sure she's doing fine.

One PD once taught me that so long as at 1year old, the weight gain is 3times that of the birth weight, then the baby is doing well. So if your girl hits 2.43x3 by 12 months (which she is close at 11months), don't worry.


Well-Known Member
snowbear, health is not measured by size. So dont't let comments affect you. My son is also very petite despite his huge appetite. He was 2.6kg at birth and now at 17 months, he weighs only 8.5kg (always fall sick cos in infant care so each time looses the weight he gain..very. heartache)! So comparing that to your daughter, I'm sure she's doing fine.
thanks CJmom for sharing and your reassurance. I just feel very bad coz of the way pp look at my dd and of coz at me. Can't stand it sometimes. They must think i'm a bad and lousy mum... how come bb still so small.

One pediatrician once taught me that so long as at 1year old, the weight gain is 3times that of the birth weight, then the baby is doing well. So if your girl hits 2.43x3 by 12 months (which she is close at 11months), dont't worry.
Yup, i've been told abt this as well. Bf bb's wt shld be 2.5 or 3 times of birthwt by 1 year old. That's why docs are not concerned abt her wt. Also i've chked her ht. She's supposed to be 50% taller than at birth, also just nice meet target... :tlaugh:

I'm not really very worried, just frustrated that despite all my efforts in feeding her and preparing healthy nutritious meals for her, she's not eating well n not putting on wt. She moves a lot more than she eats. How to put on wt??!!

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hi snowbear,

My son recently went for MMR and he weighs only 10kg or 9kg plus to b precise....ya I agree, different child grows at their own pace, dun let it bother u too much....


Well-Known Member
snowbear, every time your friends comment on your dear daughter's weight, just tell them your baby is an environmentally friendly baby next time cos she'll be healthier and need less resources! :)

i get the weight thing from pple a lot too. Strangers would ask me how many days dear daughter was when she was a month old! Can faint.
some family members who are single and dont't have a clue about bbs and bf can even ask me if she's in the healthy range. Wah piang eh!
even now that she's put on weight, some pple will still say 'so short?'

dont't bother about such pple, you're doing great!:Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
snowbear, cool down okay?

i know how you feel... cos my baby is nearly 3kilo when born but relatives still keep saying that he's so small, hair so little, so skinny while my hubby and me feel that his weight is acceptable, as long as he's healthy then okay...

every baby is different..

but i know sometimes it's really frustrating when ppl comment on our babies.. esp most of them who comment, are also parents with kids..

and i agree with you, it's impossible for petite size parents to have "giant" babies... so what if the baby is big?? HEALTHY is more impt than anything...:tlaugh:

Daddy D

Alpha Male
Everyday we worry over our kids...
Too small size...
Too big size...
Eat/Drink too little...
Eat/Drink too much...
Sleep too little...
Sleep too much...
Too hyper...
Too lethargic...

Very ironic :)


Well-Known Member
Just very frustrated recently coz dear daughter dont know why after her flu became naughtier!!! Cry and throw tantrums when we dont't allow her to do what she wants. I also dont know why she became such a picky eater. She used to eat EVERYTHING i prepared for her last time. sad sad...
Dear, prob coz she just recovered that's y not much appetite. Give her a few more days before u start semi solids? When Iggy was sick 2 weeks ago, I stopped all his semi solids for 1 week (he wasn't drinking much too that week) until he recovered. Now, he polished everything in the bowl and even fussed when he finished his milk (wants somemore).

I'm the opposite of u. My mil thinks that I'm feeding Iggy too much.. :embarrassed: :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

Just dun bother abt those remarks, like what other mums said, as long as she is healthly. Tat's the most important.. :)

Lailai, vent yr fustrations oredi, dun be sad liao.. :)


Well-Known Member
Hi snowbear,

My son recently went for MMR and he weighs only 10kg or 9kg plus to b precise....ya I agree, different child grows at their own pace, dont let it bother you too much....
thanks Phoebii... :)

snowbear, every time your friends comment on your dear daughter's weight, just tell them your baby is an environmentally friendly baby next time cos she'll be healthier and need less resources! :)

snowbear, cool down okay?

i know how you feel... cos my baby is nearly 3kilo when born but relatives still keep saying that he's so small, hair so little, so skinny while my hubby and me feel that his weight is acceptable, as long as he's healthy then okay...

every baby is different..

but i know sometimes it's really frustrating when ppl comment on our babies.. esp most of them who comment, are also parents with kids..

and i agree with you, it's impossible for petite size parents to have "giant" babies... so what if the baby is big?? HEALTHY is more impt than anything...:tlaugh:
Yup, actually deep down inside me i know that the fact that she's healthy is more impt than her absolute size... just can't help but explode every now and then when all these stupid comments abt her wt accumulate...

Everyday we worry over our kids...
Too small size...
Too big size...
Eat/Drink too little...
Eat/Drink too much...
Sleep too little...
Sleep too much...
Too hyper...
Too lethargic...

Very ironic :)
You're right! That's what my dh says also.. :001_302::001_302:

Dear, prob coz she just recovered that's why not much appetite. Give her a few more days before you start semi solids? When Iggy was sick 2 weeks ago, I stopped all his semi solids for 1 week (he wasn't drinking much too that week) until he recovered. Now, he polished everything in the bowl and even fussed when he finished his milk (wants somemore).

I'm the opposite of you. My mother in law thinks that I'm feeding Iggy too much.. :embarrassed: :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

Just dont bother about those remarks, like what other mums said, as long as she is healthly. that's the most important.. :)

Lailai, vent your fustrations oredi, dont be sad .. :)
Sometimes i just wonder if my expectations for her food intake is too high... sometimes she eats like what seems a bit to me then she burps very loudly as if can't eat anymore or she'll puke. Maybe her stomach really very very small as my mum says.

Maybe my temper also a bit short these few days coz my nipples hurt from her trying to get accustomed to latching when she has teeth. Sometimes she'll just forget and pull out from my nipple and her teeth will cut my nipple. Fortunately one side heal already..

Anyway autumn, how much do u feed iggy these days?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes i just wonder if my expectations for her food intake is too high... sometimes she eats like what seems a bit to me then she burps very loudly as if can't eat anymore or she'll puke. Maybe her stomach really very very small as my mum says.

Maybe my temper also a bit short these few days coz my nipples hurt from her trying to get accustomed to latching when she has teeth. Sometimes she'll just forget and pull out from my nipple and her teeth will cut my nipple. Fortunately one side heal already..

Anyway autumn, how much do you feed iggy these days?
Hmm... I'm still on 1 bowl of porridge per day & 5 feeds of milk 7-8oz each? I gonna start 2 meals of porridge when he turns 1yr old. :001_302:


Hmm... I'm still on 1 bowl of porridge per day & 5 feeds of milk 7-8oz each? I gonna start 2 meals of porridge when he turns 1yr old. :001_302:
baber still on 1 meal porridge and rest all milk lehh

is it okie?

only weekends he gets to eat all rice



Well-Known Member
Hmm... I'm still on 1 bowl of porridge per day & 5 feeds of milk 7-8oz each? I gonna start 2 meals of porridge when he turns 1yr old. :001_302:
okok... that day u were saying u feed him a palm-sized cod every day? Your palm??? You put it in his porridge?


Active Member

my girl also same.. no patience with her solid.. its all thankful to my mum, her dear Ahma, who always chase her around with the food.. LOL:tlaugh:

i know its bad habit.. seriously considering gettin a high chair for her.. hmm..

my girl is also quite big size.. coz she is born big i guess.. 3.5kg at birth, so now although her milk intake and solid intake is little as compared to other babies her age, but she is still taller and bigger than them..