Getting Botak after few months after giving birth.


now in my 27 weeks.. drop alot of hair too when in the first and early second trimester, as i hav very long hair so i thought cut it shorter to prevent more hair loss.. but it still e same.. so i thought change shampoo might help.. i change to palmers olive oil shampoo plus e condition and guess what, it works for me!.. now my hair dont drop as much as before.. more than 50% i can say..

Hope it can help some mummies also.. anyway you can try small bottle sample which can get it at watsons( not all watsons,i got mine at parkway)@ $1.95 each before you decide on the big ones.. =)


yup.. in fact i like never drop hair now... maybe like a few strands everyday...
After give birth, this means will drop like mad!! arrghhh......
my hair dropping rate is the same as before i was pregnant. does it mean it wun worsen after i've given birth?

i hope not.. coz i already have thin hair *sob sob*


my hair dropping rate is the same as before i was pregnant. does it mean it wun worsen after i've given birth?

i hope not.. coz i already have thin hair *sob sob*
My hair is not thick too so i am also very scared! cos if drop hair cannot control... think if 3 mths after give birth really drop a lot, will cut my hair short!
Oh... i bot the Phyto thining hair shampoo at John Little yesterday to standby liao!!:001_302:


my hair dropping rate is the same as before i was pregnant. does it mean it wun worsen after i've given birth?

i hope not.. coz i already have thin hair *sob sob*
For me, I dont't even drop much when I was pregnant. At most about 10-15 strands per day.

I thought is because of the new hair fall shampoo I had used.

Then after give birth for 4 mths later, hair fall like nobody business. I can see at least 1 handful of hair in bathroom's drain, another handful stick somewhere on sofa (when washing sofa cover then will know). Floor all over got hair. Is like showing the path I walked. Walk, drop, walk drop. :nah:

Until now, baby about 6 mths, still dropping. Hole in front of head. Very noticeable. Change shampoo recently. Using about 1mth, hair still dropping. Everyday vacuum, bath at least 3 times a day, so the hair can wash into bathroom's drain instead of everywhere in the house.

I am thinking the hair fall will only stop if no more hair left on my head.


very sad hair always not much now worst. hair hv been dropping for 2mths can even see got mole on my head cos only few hair on top. went eu yan sang, they ask me to wait at least wl drop for one year!!! and give me medicine to "tiao" body nothing for hair, sigh. change shampoo fr ba wang to phyto n now using phyto serum (for male) hopefully can see result. very scare everyday dun dare to on the light when bathing, saw once my head so shine even hubby dun dare to say anything.......Any kind soul got any idea about hair grow.


Active Member
very sad hair always not much now worst. hair have been dropping for 2mths can even see got mole on my head cos only few hair on top. went eu yan sang, they ask me to wait at least wl drop for one year!!! and give me medicine to "tiao" body nothing for hair, sigh. change shampoo fr wang to phyto n now using phyto serum (for male) hopefully can see result. very scare everyday dont dare to on the light when bathing, saw once my head so shine even hubby dont dare to say anything.......Any kind soul got any idea about hair grow.
Dun worry; its normal to drop hair when ur baby starts dropping hear. This will last for abt 6 mths. You can try using hair loss shampoo and hair tonic, it does help in me. Presently i am using Kanz hair loss shampoo from france and Richenna hair tonic from korea; Richenna also hv hair loss shampoo, they are made from herbs.


Me too hair drop alot after brith till my boy was 8 month then better.
i use the phytocyan and cyane serum to stop hair loss.
now ok already. take time bah


Well-Known Member
i read in some magazines that it is normal to drop more hair after giving birth cos during our pregnancy we did not shed as much hair (thanks to pregnancy hormones) hence after birth is payback time.

Thinking back, during pregnancy I really drop lesser hair compared to before.

Me too! I used to drop lot of hair but when I was pregnant the rate of hair loss is slower. Now when my bb is 2.5 mth I started to
drop hair again!! :(

hope the hair loss prob will stop soon coz I alr have v thin hair :(


d chinese got this belief (u know, old wives' tales) dat when d baby starts to dunno do wat, then d mother will start dropping hair. need to ask my MIL abt it again. cant recall alr cos it was 1+yrs since i experienced dat. :p

anyway, dun worry la. d hair will grow back. if really jialat, den cut short. or go yunan for help.


Active Member
I've been dropping lots of hairs too!!!
b4 preggy already alot,mummy complain...
now my hubby complain n he blame it on mi loving to bathe wif hot hot water!!!!!><


Well-Known Member
Me too hair drop alot after brith till my boy was 8 month then better.
i use the phytocyan and cyane serum to stop hair loss.
now ok already. take time bah

I'm breastfeeding so can I use hair tonic? Would it be safe since it will be absorbed by the scalp n into the body system which will then be mixed with the breast milk when expressed? Just like breastfeeding mum r not supposed to do chemical treatmts for as long as they r still breastfeeding?

Can anyone advise or has any views?

Thanks so much:)


I'm breastfeeding so can I use hair tonic? Would it be safe since it will be absorbed by the scalp n into the body system which will then be mixed with the breast milk when expressed? Just like breastfeeding mum r not supposed to do chemical treatmts for as long as they r still breastfeeding?

Can anyone advise or has any views?

Thanks so much:)
So sorry , I dunno. cause i'm not on BF . hope u recover soon .


iwan2noe > i think u better check w ur gynae on this. to b v sure.

princessmin > my hb also blame my hair loss cos i like to bathe hot hot water leh. i jus ignore their ignorance. HAHAHA!!


Ive been losing hair for almost a month now..Tired of complaining about it so now accepting the fact that my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day..!!! Poor hubby has to keep picking up my hairs from the toilet floor trap every day..Heehee...!!! But wen i see my baby boy's hair getting thicker and thicker and getting a lot of delightful comments from strangers,i feel my "sacrifice" is worth it..!!! :001_302:


Active Member
Ive been losing hair for almost a month now..Tired of complaining about it so now accepting the fact that my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day..!!! Poor hubby has to keep picking up my hairs from the toilet floor trap every day..Heehee...!!! But wen i see my baby boy's hair getting thicker and thicker and getting a lot of delightful comments from strangers,i feel my "sacrifice" is worth it..!!! :001_302:
I though I a lucky because first 4th months I didn't drop hair.

But but but... I start to drop hair when Isaac is about 4months old...

Scary man!!

Out topic a bit...

Izanyzam mummies, your boy looks so handsome.. :001_302:


Ive been losing hair for almost a month now..Tired of complaining about it so now accepting the fact that my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day..!!! Poor hubby has to keep picking up my hairs from the toilet floor trap every day..Heehee...!!! But wen i see my baby boy's hair getting thicker and thicker and getting a lot of delightful comments from strangers,i feel my "sacrifice" is worth it..!!! :001_302:
Your boy's hair is gorgeous!!:001_302:


Well-Known Member
Ive been losing hair for almost a month now..Tired of complaining about it so now accepting the fact that my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day..!!! Poor hubby has to keep picking up my hairs from the toilet floor trap every day..Heehee...!!! But wen i see my baby boy's hair getting thicker and thicker and getting a lot of delightful comments from strangers,i feel my "sacrifice" is worth it..!!! :001_302:
Hi mummy,

How many mths into post pregnancy that u lose hair? I started to loose hair when my gal is nearing 3 mths.. =( now she is 3 mths 1 wk and i feel that my hair is also getting increasingly thinner... ='(

Hey, your son is really v lgd looking! :)


I though I a lucky because first 4th months I didn't drop hair.

But but but... I start to drop hair when Isaac is about 4months old...

Scary man!!

Out topic a bit...

Izanyzam mummies, your boy looks so handsome.. :001_302:
Hi mummy..!!! Same as me..I started losing hair wen my boy nearing his 4th month...Noticed that other mummies were also losing hair wen their babies turned 4months...!!!! Is it a coindence or is that how long it takes for our hormones to start acting up..??!!! Arghhhh...!!!

My boy handsome coz of his thick hair..All my hair now go to him..!!! :001_302: