Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?


hi moms!! so happened that i came across this thread..
i'm so so so interested in this as my confidence level is aleady to the negative.. =(

afraid to meet up with friends and even relatives.. even neighbours who see me once in awhile say that i'm fat??

alright, i'm a mother of 2.. jus gave birth to the younger one in september and not BF.. the older one is 3 years old already.. before pregnancy, size 24/25 jeans.. after my frist pregnancy, dun even dare to try out any jeans and after 2 years, can fit into a size 27/28 jeans.. still not my ideal weight.. after i give birth to this second one, i can't even be bothered to take my weight.. dun wanna bring down my confident any lower.. tummy is so flabby.. thighs and arms are huge.. sighhhh!! cant fit into any pre pregnancy clothes..

really would like to take up this program but am afraid it will be too costly.. as my hub is the only one working.. dun wanna add on any burden to him.. *sobs*

P/S hi laypeng, have read about ur success story of slimming down.. added u in msn.. hope to chat with u soon on slimming and of cos babies!! hope u dun mind me adding u without ur permission.. =)


hi moms!! so happened that i came across this thread..
i'm so so so interested in this as my confidence level is aleady to the negative.. =(

afraid to meet up with friends and even relatives.. even neighbours who see me once in awhile say that i'm fat??

alright, i'm a mother of 2.. just gave birth to the younger one in september and not BF.. the older one is 3 years old already.. before pregnancy, size 24/25 jeans.. after my frist pregnancy, dont even dare to try out any jeans and after 2 years, can fit into a size 27/28 jeans.. still not my ideal weight.. after i give birth to this second one, i can't even be bothered to take my weight.. dont wanna bring down my confident any lower.. tummy is so flabby.. thighs and arms are huge.. sighhhh!! cant fit into any pre pregnancy clothes..

really would like to take up this program but am afraid it will be too costly.. as my hub is the only one working.. dont wanna add on any burden to him.. *sobs*

P/S hi laypeng, have read about your success story of slimming down.. added you in msn.. hope to chat with you soon on slimming and of cos babies!! hope you dont mind me adding you without your permission.. =)
hi ,

I had approved you in msn already, of course I dont't mind for your I am a new mummy still need your guide on taking care and coaching my kid.I only have
one but this birth I had put on a lot of weight I heard if never get rid of previous birth fat and next birth will definitely become fatter and stubborn. So when I put on 20kg after this birth I was super upset and 0% confidence.

after give birth I only managed to lose 3kg and 17kg been stucked. Then I join the acupunture slimming through my sis in law as she had lost 10+ kg there. I am lucky, under my consultant's and doctor's care i lost about17-18kg .

Since you have budget you can meet up wit my consultant first and have proper consultation and checking with her. See what package are recommended by her base on your budget may be?

Anyway i see you on msn. I had provided you some details already. Anything dont't feel shy just ask me. I have few question on baby too!



hi ,

I had approved you in msn already, of course I dont't mind for your I am a new mummy still need your guide on taking care and coaching my kid.I only have
one but this birth I had put on a lot of weight I heard if never get rid of previous birth fat and next birth will definitely become fatter and stubborn. So when I put on 20kg after this birth I was super upset and 0% confidence.

after give birth I only managed to lose 3kg and 17kg been stucked. Then I join the acupunture slimming through my sis in law as she had lost 10+ kg there. I am lucky, under my consultant's and doctor's care i lost about17-18kg .

Since you have budget you can meet up wit my consultant first and have proper consultation and checking with her. See what package are recommended by her base on your budget may be?

Anyway i see you on msn. I had provided you some details already. Anything dont't feel shy just ask me. I have few question on baby too!

Sure.. lets guide each other along.. hee.. thank u so much for ur details.. we'll chat in msn ya!!
hi moms!! so happened that i came across this thread..
i'm so so so interested in this as my confidence level is aleady to the negative.. =(

afraid to meet up with friends and even relatives.. even neighbours who see me once in awhile say that i'm fat??

alright, i'm a mother of 2.. just gave birth to the younger one in september and not BF.. the older one is 3 years old already.. before pregnancy, size 24/25 jeans.. after my frist pregnancy, dont even dare to try out any jeans and after 2 years, can fit into a size 27/28 jeans.. still not my ideal weight.. after i give birth to this second one, i can't even be bothered to take my weight.. dont wanna bring down my confident any lower.. tummy is so flabby.. thighs and arms are huge.. sighhhh!! cant fit into any pre pregnancy clothes..

really would like to take up this program but am afraid it will be too costly.. as my hub is the only one working.. dont wanna add on any burden to him.. *sobs*

P/S hi laypeng, have read about your success story of slimming down.. added you in msn.. hope to chat with you soon on slimming and of cos babies!! hope you dont mind me adding you without your permission.. =)
ur situation is exactly same as mine...hehe...only diff is tat im working...


New Member
Hi all,
Went down LFI last sat, had a 5weeks programme wit em. Today started my dietary..Will be having my first review in 2weeks time. Hope i can lose more fats more than muscle..Will try to get more slp n have my S-factor taken every meal as i'm looking after my baby boy who is coming 2months old.. :D Jia you to all who is havin the same programme wit me nw..


hi lubani2003, great! keep it up to shed off your fat!although i had finished programme but any question you still can msn me. see you !

p/s: patience and determined!


New Member
thks laypeng! I will work hard, hope can slim down sucessfuly lik you.
congrats again on your 18kg of fat loss.
I still have 5.5kg to go.
Hi all & laypeng, i 'm in the program for 2 month + , had lost 10kg which is the targeted fat to get rid off in the analysis. consutlant said i can target another 2-3kg of fat since i still have session with them.
i very satisfy and happy with the result. my lower body can wear M size already. Was XL bottom before program.

how about you laypeng, still maintain well after complete the program?


Hi all & laypeng, i 'm in the program for 2 month + , had lost 10kg which is the targeted fat to get rid off in the analysis. consutlant said i can target another 2-3kg of fat since i still have session with them.
i very satisfy and happy with the result. my lower body can wear M size already. Was XL bottom before program.

how about you laypeng, still maintain well after complete the program?
that's great and congratulation that you had lost 10kg , ya since there is still other session might as well go for more.

ya after lost 18kg i now still maintaining. went for analysis last week and fat mass never increased, but consultant advised me to rest more in order to grow some muscle.:tlaugh:


New Member
Hi all n laypeng
Mon went for my 1st review, result not bad lost 3.2kg but also lost abit muscle loss. As i didnt had enough sleep when looking after my baby boy n less drink water. My consultant given me 3weeks schedule. Hope will lost more! Keep it up gals :D


Hi all n laypeng
Mon went for my 1st review, result not bad lost 3.2kg but also lost abit muscle loss. As i didnt had enough sleep when looking after my baby boy n less drink water. My consultant given me 3weeks schedule. Hope will lost more! Keep it up gals :D
hi lubani2003,
that's great! congrats too. ya you hav to drink more water and rest well to prevent muscle. although need to take care of baby quite difficult but do try y0ur best then. keep it up!

gerald's mum

New Member
Hi sasa_penguin,
are you a mummy too? just give birth? how much you gained? i gained about 20kg but only managed to lose 3kg on my own.

ok i try my best to explain:
this acupuncture mainly poke on tummy so it just a insect bite. feeling.
how many session and how much is the pkg is base on body so i will advise you to go for consultation with my consultant first then see how.
initially need to have more strict on diet. but now i already back to normal diet after i complete the programme.

so far i maintain well(had lost 18kg which to back to my pre-preggy figure), no sign of bounce back. my sis in law done 1 year ago at same place now still in shape.
is your tummy big after give birth? when i gave birth, my tummy still very big until ppl give up mrt seat to me, confident level dropped intil 0%

if you need more information like contact or my program cost may msn or email me at
Hi layPeng,
I had just emailed you. please provide your program info and contact to me. i desperately want to slim down, couldn't back to pre-pregnant figure. very demoraised. waiting for your reply.


Hi gerald's mum,
i had replied your email with all the details and contact. you may contact to meet up my consultant as she is not pushy kind.
how much you want to lose? (may be until to pre-preggy weight?)
you can add me in msn as well( )

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
that's great and congratulation that you had lost 10kg , ya since there is still other session might as well go for more.

ya after lost 18kg i now still maintaining. went for analysis last week and fat mass never increased, but consultant advised me to rest more in order to grow some muscle.:tlaugh:

18 kg is a lot....over how long period did u loose it?


Hi All,

Sorry for being MIA for quite a long time, was busy with work. So how's everyone on the program? My friend has completed the program and she total lost 18KG and from XL to M size. Then come blame me say i cause her to lose so much and spend more $$ on clothes. But i was really happy for her as she become more and more cheerful.

gerald's mum

New Member
Hi gerald's mum,
i had replied your email with all the details and contact. you may contact to meet up my consultant as she is not pushy kind.
how much you want to lose? (may be until to pre-preggy weight?)
you can add me in msn as well( )
Hi laypeng, had received. will try it out soon. that's good, will upate you after i gone for consultation
i need to lose about 12kg(at least) i gained a lot weight during pregnancy. well done that you had lost 18kg!


Hi laypeng, had received. will try it out soon. that's good, will upate you after i gone for consultation
i need to lose about 12kg(at least) i gained a lot weight during pregnancy. well done that you had lost 18kg!
you are welcome gerald's mum. sure keep me update after meet up with my consultant. ic, alright,12kg should be okie if you got no any health issue;

Mummy Angel

New Member
Ya i also tried the lfi. it reali works n reali need to watch out ur diet. i went back to my pre pregnancy weight but more to slim down.. can sms me if u wan to noe more lor. 91148104


New Member
Hi ooi, wow your progress not bad. good luck and keep it up in your second review ok?
i remember my first 2 review also about your result, but after that i lost more. then total is 17kg weight loss in the programme.

you are welcome, thanks for sharing so much baby stuff with me too.
Hi laypeng and all,
Sorry that i too busy to handle end year work and baby. just graduate from program, last week. Finally! i managed to lose 11.5kg of fat, now on S size. Just bought a lot of clothes(especially sleeveless) for new year, very happy! people around me are commenting i looking pretty and younger:001_302:
really thanks for your recommendation laypeng! Hope one day able to meet up with you


Hi laypeng and all,
Sorry that i too busy to handle end year work and baby. just graduate from program, last week. Finally! i managed to lose 11.5kg of fat, now on S size. Just bought a lot of clothes(especially sleeveless) for new year, very happy! people around me are commenting i looking pretty and younger:001_302:
really thanks for your recommendation laypeng! Hope one day able to meet up with you
Congrats Ooi,
you start work already? ya never mind, i still get ur update. And congratulation on your successful slimming too, i still maintaining now, you also okie? especially just completed cannot just straight away anyhow eat, got to control and balance too. i start to craving for turkey.
ya few people say i not only become slimmer, also look younger. i Should start to buy new clothes too!

You are welcome ooi, sure, hope one day we can meet up for gathering :Dancing_wub: