my ttc success story


New Member
My husband and I got married when I was 25 years old (he is 27) and I had a hard time trying to get pregnant till I was 27! Believe it or not, I tried Pre-seed, Clomid and other fertility-drugs but it didn't help at all! My husband even tried refraining from masturbation and sex (TMI, I apologize) for weeks to accumulate his sperm and I even charted my ovulation days but we still failed!
But there was one time I remember I got pregnant and I was very joyous about it... I told my friends and family about the good news.. but unfortunately, I got a miscarriage 3-weeks later upon the good news. I got into a minor depression.

My husband I consulted a doctor on our problem; the results were quite unfortunate - my husband's sperm-count was below-average (but not low) and I was really surprised because I wonder how did I get pregnant before that? It must have been quite a miracle since the doctor told us that my husband's chance of fertilising me was roughly around 25% only. I was crestfallen and totally upset.. so was my husband. We nearly quarrel to an extend that we wanted to seperate because of it.

We were at wits-end... most of my friends had babies and we didn't. I was so desperate for just a baby.. I prayed everyday for a miracle.

I decided to ask in the Yahoo Answers community for tips and suggestions - most of them give good tips and some real bad criticisms and sarcams but it didn't help. Then I saw this very interesting answer from a person, she recommended me to get a book called the "Getting Pregnant Bible" which successfully made her have children and never had any miscarriages. Of course I was skeptical about it so I just ignore it.

Then I remember I had a girl's catch-up with my lady-friends and my friend Valerie used to be in the same boat as me who had a hard time conceiving as she just got married. She told me that a book helped her to successfully conceive and she told me that EXACT TITLE of the book I received from Yahoo Answers. Of course, I asked her whether she was the one who answered my question in Yahoo Answers. She said No and she got the book after reading a conceiving magazine for moms and word-of-mouth from other moms. Seeing that there's a ray of hope, I decided to get that book.

I bought it online from their official website and read the contents. It teaches stuffs like the seven things you need to do before even you try to get pregnant to ensure a healthy pregnancy; the appropriate diet to conceive; how to increase your husband's sperm count; the ovulation cycle and many other useful information that I never heard of despite reading from Yahoo Answers and online articles! I became intrigued and my husband and I started following the tips, regimes and so on. Within 2-weeks later, I begin to miss my period and my breast started to sore... I asked in Yahoo Answers and most of them told me those were thefew symptoms of pregnancy. I do NOT believe what I read so I bought pregnancy test kits. MIRACULOUSLY I WAS PREGNANT!

Believe it or not, because of that book I am now a happy mother of 4! That book is really like a gift from God, I swear. I'm telling other TTC-ers about this that there's still hope! If you are interested in that book, you can visit their official site here:


if you kind enuf can share the book 's content here ... i will follow your thread everyday ...:)
Yes, i'll have to agree wit you ibabes.. mom of 4 if you cn share a lil things that we have not heard of here since you have followed some of our thread here on our probs that we're facing..


Well-Known Member
I've read this book quite some time ago but at tt time i was not ttcing. would anyone be keen if we place a bulk order for it?


I've read this book quite some time ago but at that time i was not ttcing. would anyone be keen if we place a bulk order for it?

Hey stonston, im interested to join tis BP.. Is it very detailed n does it contain bout dealing with male fertility?? TIA=)


just borrowed this book called "Fetility and Conception: The complete guide to getting pregnant." from library yesterday. find that its really informative especially telling u to how to monitor the period cycle, what diet to take etc and even pictures to illustrate your cervic is at what condition during which day of the cycle and the discharges.. preharps you can take a look at that book 1st.


Well-Known Member
Hey stonston, im interested to join tis BP.. Is it very detailed and does it contain bout dealing with male fertility?? TIA=)
It is detailed and it also deals with male fertility. Teach you how to make sure sperm count increase and sperm is as healthy as possible.


It is detailed and it also deals with male fertility. Teach you how to make sure sperm count increase and sperm is as healthy as possible.

Hmm, in tat case i'll just go n purchase it den..


New Member
Hi ladies,check out red raspberry tea.This tea is a great tonic for woman.This tea can help woman get pregnant and prevent miscarriage.
For more info google red raspberry leaf tea fertility or pregnancy.


hi TTC ladies, there are also some success stories from Pregnancy Miracle ebook. It can help you to conceive naturally even if:
  • You Are On Your Late 30's or 40's
  • You Have Tubal Obstruction
  • You Have High Levels of FSH
  • You Have PCOS or Endometriosis
  • You Have Uterine Fibroids or Uterus Scarring
  • You Have Ovarian Cysts Or 'Lazy Ovaries'
  • You Have A History of Miscarriages
  • Your Male Partner Has Low Sperm Count
just to name a few....

Hope it can help you conceive soon and bring joy to the family.


Hi Phantom,

after seeing your post and in my thread.
I dont think singapore sell this tea right?
where can we purchase??

Hi ladies,check out red raspberry tea.This tea is a great tonic for woman.This tea can help woman get pregnant and prevent miscarriage.
For more info google red raspberry leaf tea fertility or pregnancy.