Refuse to learn



I try to teach my kids at home cos I find that the school is not doing enough. But my kids are simply not interested to learn or refuse to concentrate when I'm teaching.

I find that they learn better when in school (ie when someone else teaches them). Should I just send them to lots of enrichment classes instead of killing myself by trying to teach them?

Anyone know of classes at Hougang/Kovan that's of reasonable pricing? Classes conducted at home also ok.


Well-Known Member
What kind of classes are you looking at? For language, my friends staying in that area sed their kids to I Can Read & Berries.

For me, I don't teach unless I find that the school is really not doing enough. I reinforce what my child learns in school only. Even then, my 1st move would usually be to call up the teacher/principal to find out how my child is doing. If I find my child lagging in some ways, I will speak to the teacher to find out the method used and do reinforcement at home using the same method to lessen confusion. There's also the Parent-Teacher sessions to ask about progress and things to look out for. These are very good opportunities to find out how and what we as parents can do to help.

To teach or reinforce, I feel the right environment must be set. No distractions, no tv, no kids playing or running around. At most, only soft soothing music. That also means both parent n child must be in the right frame of mind. No pt sitting down with the child if I had a bad day. I am just going to lose my temper with her. I also feel that if you have more than 1 sch going kid, you'll need to sit down with them separately. Give the one who is not being schooled some activites to do while you sit down with the other one.

Having said these though, I do outsource my child's learning to some enrichment providers too :)


The teachers always say that my kid is doing well. But when I give them extra work, I know how is their progress and definitely, the school syllabus is not sufficient. Even the phonics that they teach. Whenever I question, the teacher will say, no need to rush. But I know they are quite slow.

Anyway, my kids always fight and bicker whenever they are at home. So was thinking, might as well send them for some lessons to give myself some peace.

I can Read is a bit expensive.


Well-Known Member
Mar_mum, mummy is for care & play, not for teaching. They won't take you seriously, just like my boy won't take me seriously too.

So far the cheap one I found is Beijing Language School for Chinese, $170+7%GST per term of 12 lessons. Have make up lessons if you miss. SK & PG hv, not too sure near your place have or not. SK's one is at the CC, beside MRT. The CC have alot of other classes also, can try to sign up same timing to send both kids there, then you bring the little one to Compass Point to relax (go shopping, go library, go sit at Starbucks). My boy used to attend the one at SK but we found the PG one less crowded and the timing more suitable for us.

They got alot of P1 prep class during holidays also. Can consider for the eldest one since he going to P1 soon.

For phonics the CC at SK has alot of classes. Cheap also. Around your area one is either exp or not very good. You can try checking out Heartland Mall area. Got alot of enrichment centres but I got no time to check them out thoroughly cos I only check out PG/SK area first.

If you don't mind changing kindy (since you gonna pay for enrichment, can consider abit more exp kindy), can try my boy's kindy. Got school bus service (confirm got go to your house cos my boy is dropped off around there). Very academic focused, confirm will learn alot more.

What's your monthly budget for their classes? You might want to consider get a tutor to go to your place instead? Teach both at one go?


Well-Known Member
Oh ya, Kovan there got a Edufarm (I think I remember correctly), they have alot of enrichment classes not bad, and cheap. 3G abacus (uses number bonds method similar to Pri sch syllabus), phonics, chinese, etc. You can go check it out. It's at the same block as Mavis main office I think. From the old interchange can see their signboard (orange colour).



I try to teach my kids at home cos I find that the school is not doing enough. But my kids are simply not interested to learn or refuse to concentrate when I'm teaching.
when u said the school is not doing enough, wad kind of areas are u looking at to improve?

perhaps u can concentrate on the "weaker" areas to find any suitable classes that emphasize on tat.

nowadays Baber will ask me questions on his homework hence i become his "home tutor", so far he has been quite attentive though (dunnO will last for how long haha)


Well-Known Member
Before you can give extra work, must make sure they understand 1st. The foundation is very impt. For eg. if you want to do math with your child, he/she must understand the concept of 1, 2, ..... before you can do addition, subtraction, etc. When doing languages, your child should master phonics, know the sight words or at least be able to sound out words when looking at them already, before you can proceed to reading.

I think at this age, still must make it interesting for them to learn.

Did you try RC or CC? I also heard of this I Creative Learner that is taught in the teacher's home. Have not tried it though.

Your 6yo is in K2 this year?


Well-Known Member
ICL (iCreativeLearner) has a TWO years waiting list. My boy is on that waiting list since he was 2yo. They do have crash courses but it's not cheap either. Nearest to Mar_Mum is Hougang, which is not very convenient for her I think (need to change bus).

CCM & Camom, you must meet her kids to understand what she's facing everyday :)
I can totally understand when she says that they bicker everyday. hahaha.
Her kids are very bright kids with good genes (both daddy & mummy are smart ppl!). I think they'll catch up very quickly with some enrichment classes. Problem now is to find those worth paying for within her budget and easy for her to send both of them to class.

Mar_mum, the CC near your place (opp the market there) got nothing much in terms of academic classes. Try searching Kovan CC instead. I think Kovan got alot of centres, just need to find out more info (what they teach and price). I try to dig up some of the info I searched for previously.


Well-Known Member
Edufarm is not the Kovan one. I think I remember wrongly. More info on Edufarm: Edufarm Learning Centre
They got timetable & prices uploaded there. I think it's very cheap compared to what I'm paying for my boy's phonics class :p


I don't wanna change my boy's kiddy cos last year. By the time he get used to new school, left half a year.

Not suitable to get tutor to my hse cos still hv my no. 3 around.

Ha ha! Thanks for the compliments about my kids, S and me. hmmm... but it sounds a bit sarcastic though. Ha ha! But ya. You understand my situation. And with no helper now, everyday is like war zone.

Ya. that CC opposite market nothing much.


Well-Known Member
No la, not sarcastic :) They really very smart. The way your kids play and interact, can tell that they are smart. These are born smart, not trained smart.

If find tutor who stays nearby then go to tutor's house? I think near the park there got tutor who teach from home. I help you ask my mum's neighbour cos I think her niece is going to that tutor.


No , not sarcastic :) They really very smart. The way your kids play and interact, can tell that they are smart. These are born smart, not trained smart.

If find tutor who stays nearby then go to tutor's house? I think near the park there got tutor who teach from home. I help you ask my mum's neighbour cos I think her niece is going to that tutor.
Too smart also got problem. Sigh!

Tutor teaching what? Ok. You let me know. Thanks.


generally its never the children who refuse to learn..

I always believe that its due to the lack of interest by the "teacher"

try to make it more interesting, you need to know what your child likes
and incorporate them in your "teachings"

Children "switch off" simply because the "programmes" are not interesting

Ever wondered why they learn ABC's & 1.2.3's almost off the bat???