We are TTC-ing!


Little hamster
My first visit consultation was $32 ( without subsidy is $95)*

Urh how come u didn't temp this cycle?
The chart is empty


Active Member
Maybe yours is the senior consultant.

I stopped temping Cos I seeing dragontail intro drC. He focus on tiao body then say stop temp cos it adds on the stress. He say My pulse weak and cold womb.. give him few mths and when Try. He said We both too stress haha


Ya I'm going to stop temping soon too once I start my clomid next month.

The Dr advise just don't do anything
And bd regularly after af ends (2-3 times a week)


Active Member
Ok I don't want to see the terms "bbt", "temp shift", "coverline", "dip", etc all these nonsense here anymore huh. Lol.

Just bd alternate days a week after af and spotting is cleared (for my case as I always ovulate around cd14-18).
Yah agree to ditch the thermometer, every night must time for bed time to ensure i gt 6 hrs of solid sleep be4 taking bbt. Then every morning c the 4 digits tat drop below 36. v spoilt my own day mood... hahha...


[9QUOTE=littlehamster:858250]Twins! So exciting!

Good luck to those going for ivf!

My hsg report say I'm not block, But hubby got some inconsistent sa results, He gonna repeat his sa again mid March. in meantime He just started tiao his body with drC and taking blackmores men performance and vigor ace

Oh soursop, I noticed clinic d has this board saying What are the rates, Mine is consultant $70 subsequent visit (after subsidy is $30) , yours is more ex right? Senior consultant is $80, associate consultant is $60.[/QUOTE]

Little hamster, I checked my receipt
For follow up or repeat visit, I also paid $30 after subsidy (usual price $70)

Should be same doctor category.
I also go to room 5.

I don't really like the Dr that attended to me during my second visit (on 19 feb). It's a male dr call Dr Tan.

I still prefer the lady dr (dr lim).


Active Member
Soursop, all My visit is the same doctor, room 9, Dr veront or something. When I make appt, the nurse tell me the doc only available on Wednesdays, I was thinking huh the doc So Good life only work once a week? Lol. Maybe when u make appt u ask for the lady doc


Hmm how come huh....
but I rem when I first register during my first visit, the nurse already mentioned that since I'm under subsidized category, I am not able to select doctor and it will be assign to me randomly.


Hehe I just realized that the random dr that I saw on wed is Dr Tan H.eng Hao (current head of reproductive medicine) oops.
just read that he has good track records for ivf.

for those of u who are considering kkivf, can google up on him.


Haha... good to discard e bbt thingy coz I cld never get it when u guys keep discussing bout coverline, temp shift, etc. Coz I m those crazy few who still refused to succumb to bbt. Reason: I m not dat discipline to take temp every morn at e same time. I wld ke siao


Wa soursop the head attend to u still no good? Why? For me I prefer male gynae maybd coz I had bad experience with female gynae


Haha maq
I didn't know he's the head until just now go and research on him.

I felt he didn't really show much attention and explain in details. .. or maybe my case not complicated enough so he expects me to know ba

I wanted iui but he recommend clomid first