We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Thinking wan buy getting the Jetstar 1 for 1 but the period to travel scared if preggers then will wasted.. think after have kid then fly ..
gnissim23: Relax - prepare as best as you can, rest early the night before your papers, and just go in with a positive mind :) It will be okay. Haha yeah trying to pack but so distracted! (writing packing list, deciding which coats/jackets to bring, and watching movie on my comp lol) I'm known to pack on the day before setting off, making it a point to not be so last min this time!

lovesbaby: Also has to do with individual gynaes - some don't like the idea of taking any risk (however small it may be) during their patients' pregnancy and will discourage most flying activites :x

Dragontail: Wah! Very very tempting! :p My hubby is really the classic firm believer of "leave it in the hands of God, it will happen and it will happen safely regardless" - he can tell me things like, pregnant also can travel lahhh, everything also can eat lahhhh... that type. :x Right now he's kinda peeved that I'm having a crampy bad period and is kinda convinced it's due to me being kiasu and drink so much heaty stuff, eat so much heaty stuff etc... :x

quincy: Hehe if ask my hubby, he will say can drink beer... :x (but obviously don't listen to him!)


Hi TVH, ohh only second trim can travel ah? Or depending on gynac's advice on individual's body condition? Haaa sorry I just realise there is a crazy word at my previous post. I remembered clearly I type 'siao Liao'. Dunnoe why became crazy word! I m getting old! Haaaa
usually only 2nd tri safer to fly...3rd tri, your stomach too big, some flights won't let you board unless u have a letter from gynae certifying u are ok to fly. Anyway 1st and 3rd tri, you will be very tired, 2nd tri is the best time cos it's the time when u have the most energy .

hey you know what? I was reading on my phone when I replied you. And I ming ming saw the word "s iao l iao" then when i used my desktop, your "s iao l iao" becomes crazy !!! wow the editor of this forum is very adamant about not using singlish! you can't type l a h/ l eh/ l or/ a h....the auto correction here is so powerful...even s iao l iao becomes a proper english word as "crazy"....so strict!!!!!

Why so strict sia?! This is an SG forum right !!! We are SG ppl wor...we talk SG style ang moh cannot m e h !!
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usually only 2nd tri safer to fly...3rd tri, your stomach too big, some flights won't let you board unless u have a letter from gynae certifying u are ok to fly. Anyway 1st and 3rd tri, you will be very tired, 2nd tri is the best time cos it's the time when u have the most energy .

hey you know what? I was reading on my phone when I replied you. And I ming ming saw the word "s iao l iao" then when i used my desktop, your "s iao l iao" becomes crazy !!! wow the editor of this forum is very adamant about not using singlish! you can't type l a h/ l eh/ l or/ a h....the auto correction here is so powerful...even s iao l iao becomes a proper english word as "crazy"....so strict!!!!!

Why so strict sia?! This is an SG forum right !!! We are SG ppl wor...we talk SG style ang moh
Now I know what 'crazy' stands for... was so distracted with various entertainment activities that I didn't figure it out initially lol (OK, I'm slow lahhh) what I do when I persistently want to type singlish is, add a few more of the last alphabets ie lahhhh lorrr lehhhh ahhh :p (hope this works, if not this post is gonna look corny!)

PS still got 8zhen, why cannot type 8zhen?? :x
ya precisely...the auto correction here is so silly !!!!

Wait I dio banned...
-.- that will be even more silly! (why so serious ehhh? It's all good fun!)

I think cannot type the 8 in 8zhen cos it's also singlish - bahhhh you know, ie "aiyo cannot be b a (hhhh)", thus, auto-corrected in B. A. zhen... :x
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Hahaha. Tt time I type k.k also become the whole word of k.k hospital. Make me shock. -.-

Qinn. Yeah trying. Haha. I also love to pack last minute! -.- but I usually dun jot down. But if im gg more days n further I will pack 1 or 2 day before. Lol.


Active Member
Jus had a wonderful dance..... hahahaha and satisfied hubby is now playing his Diablo "_"

I text him notti in the afternoon that i will prepare dinner, so make sure his tummy is growling before he come home and i wanna him to serve dessert......

So when he's at the doorstep, he's hungry for everything!!!!!

I also saw siao liao on my android app......
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Active Member
I find the most silly on the auto-correct here is "trying-to-concieve". Hey, wanna correct also correct properly right! What concieve? Get your spelling right can or not, whoever is managing this forum. Very laokui ok.

Side note, since last night, I have eye stye. It's getting worse now. I now look 大小眼. This morning I still put on full eye makeup, thinking it might subside. Usually this kind will just go off itself right? I've never seen doc for such before. Wonder if I should? I cannot imagine going to work without eye makeup... maybe ask my boss to let me work from home tomorrow :p

And I swear I never peeped my hubby wee wee in toilet. (why do old folks lie to children about such? I will never do that to my child!).
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Active Member
Hello everyone!!! I have signed my package with dr chan. No turning back now. Pocket burnt a big hole. No more shopping for me. No more golf balls for the old man. No more treats for the dog. We all sacrifice for the very expensive doc and lil' muffin :p

On a brighter note, today's scan showed lil' muffin with arms crossed in front of his face like dragonball (like the real dragonball not the lpj connotation :p) so couldn't take a good look at his face with the 3d scan. It's pretty amazing I must admit...

Gnissim - good luck for the exams! Wa... The last time I took an exam was like more than a decade ago. Hahaha.

Dragontail - the oysters look so succulent. Yums yums. Hahaha yes better restrict his intake now. Otherwise ls and cholesterol shoot sky rocket high! Hahaa I dun eat much at buffets but I love champagne buffets - esp mezzanine and greenhouse. Hahaha - and it's only 划算 when I go for these buffets cuz I will just happily have champagne or wine or nowadays they also serve mojitos :p anyway, are you all ready for bd nite tmr? All geared up?

Qinn - Ouch. why aunty so black face and causing pain! hmm, could it also be because of the progesterone pills since they are also hormonal and supposed to be meant for pregnancy but since no bfp hence the body is "rejecting" the added progesterone? Just my speculation - you may wanna ask dr google. and also the added stress you have at work?!? Anyway, erm... i think chix essence and lrd tea are good for overall health not just tcc purposes. Agree the doc is super fatherly and friendly and he is good for encouraging natural Conception. But to be completely honest, once you bfp - I would recommend for you to see dr tc chang as a second opinion (if you don't mind tmc). Or another gynae if you prefer Gleneagles (dr chan is ex but imo he is good). Just as second opinion and you can evaluate for yourself. Just my suggestion anyway.

Qinn - when is ur hubby's SA? Tmr? Btw. Why need to see doc tmr?!? happy packing!!! Have you finished your list and started putting stuff in your suitcase yet?

Quincy - ahhhh. I want a beer too! Esp when the weather is so hot, I would love to have a ice cold hoeegarden. Hahaha.


Active Member
Dragontail - find a clean towel, soak in warm water and cover over your eye. This will help the sty to recover / ease the discomfort.

Coincidentally I had it last month and the doc suggested this method. He also gave me eye cream since I was already there so bo Bian need to give me med right.

Erm. And no heavy eye makeup cuz you want the area to remain clean. The sty is caused by a blocked tear duct (have you been crying?). Oh and if you wear contacts, doc said can continue wearing but I stopped wearing for 3 days just in case. Just as well cuz with specs - it's not necessary to have such heavy eye makeup otherwise will look like miss lala :p


Active Member
Missy10 - sound like it is a fulfilling night :)

Lovesbaby - I only saw dr Chang for my detailed scan. But as mentioned I find him professional, assuring and meticulous in scanning. Cost is reasonable too. The aunty outside also had good words for him. And I think he encourages natural conception.


Dragontail, is it too heaty ar? Cos I find usually too heaty will develop eye stye. Drink more liang teh. Don't rub your eyes with your hands. Use eye drops.


Active Member
littlej:789022 said:
Missy10 - sound like it is a fulfilling night :)

Lovesbaby - I only saw dr Chang for my detailed scan. But as mentioned I find him professional, assuring and meticulous in scanning. Cost is reasonable too. The aunty outside also had good words for him. And I think he encourages natural conception.
Fulfilling to hubby bah.... he say he 忍 many days liao.... but not good for me.... i got cramp immediate after bd, especially after orgasm.... then i joke with him that im sure is his "fion"(how he address the "baby" when talking to my tummy) is punishing me as daddy just poked her
littlej: SOBS!!! I know! Icks and ouch!!! :( Feeling much better now, think the worse is over. Doc suggested to bring in hubby's semen this morning, or Fri (but would not be in time to see report until we return from trip), my man went this morning lol I did ask about the medications, and if they played a part in delaying periods - doc said not likely since my last dose was last Thursday :x I'll be going in tomorrow for the SA report, and probably let doc check blood flow since he didn't get to see a blood flow yesterday - it was more like dried black blood flakes... :x TMC is fine with me, but hubby doesn't like it so most likely sticking with GlenE. I'm thinking I'll seek second opinion after giving doc 6 months or so - doesn't hurt increasing any chance that I have, ahhh yea? And hopefully it doesn't have to go down to IVF...

Hahaha I've not even opened my luggage! :p I still have 2 days to pack...


Active Member
littlej, ding ding ding! Mr Chan tops it all! I'm sure you've made a good choice. I can send some treats over to your doggy though :p Awww.... such a wonderful moment seeing the 3D scan I'm sure. Got CD to bring home too today or not?? Just now hubby did a review on the BD dates again. He insists we should do on Fri night, Sunday morning and then Mon night. A little bit of changes from initial dates from him. I should be O-ing on Tue. I'm all geared in my head... but sometimes I find putting on all those pieces a chore l.e.h. At times I wish I can just jump onto him in bed and get on with it. But he's not so easy. What to do.... No I have not been crying or doing anything out of ordinary. Hmmm... Ok I will try the towel method for my eye! Thanks.

qinnn/TVH, I'm not using any eye drop. Oh is it coincidental... I had bazhen 2days ago and yesterday started to have this problem. But bazhen is so heaty meh? I never had such issue before, after consuming bazhen.


Active Member
Qinn - ah... As long as you are feeling better now. Whilst my aunty visited regularly, she also came in black flakes, red flow or sometimes brown stains on the onset. i kinda thought the black flakes looked evil - to me. anyway, that time - I just took it as the body adjusting itself. Maybe tmr you ask doc again. And wa - ur husband so 乖! Doc say go SA, he immediately go! It took my old man more than a month... Anyway, hope SA report turns out ok. Fingers crossed for you. And hmm. I think dont so gan jiong about ivf first - it's invasive leh. I would go for all the non-invasive tests and natural means before considering invasive. So, ya you still have SA (ticked), HSG (see tubes), IUI. One step at a time. Let us know how it goes tmr ya? And oh yes, another notch up for your hubby. He has been with you to see the doc 3 times this week! My old man complaining this week see doc twice...

Missy10 - u on 2ww now?

Dragontail - agree on hump anytime we want. It does get a bit mechanical during ttc isn't it. But hey, it is really good your hubby is so enthu about it and even planning the timetable. And well, for me then - I just psyched myself that ok this is hump time - not doc given time!


Active Member
Dragontail - dr chan no cd. Dr chan is download the images into a byo thumb drive - even got a video file which showed lil' muffin punching (with the arms crossed in front of face).