We are TTC-ing!


Csection is not giving up. Do what you feel is best for you both at the time.
you are going to be such a great mum!
We are all waiting for the exciting photos!
Littlej: choosing c-section doesn't meant that you are giving up...the most impt thing is both of your well being..if u feel that c-section is the way to go and gynae support it..then go for it....your old man cannot sleep? Mine slept very well..haha...still can read story books while I am in labour..


at the gynae's now! just had breakfast then came back up again since there were 3 more infront of me. still got one more to my turn! hope can confirm gender today!

littlej jiayou! how many cm now?? hows coping w the pain?


Active Member
Littlej last post at 541am, mayb muffin is out????
Mayb she resting now....
So excited to have live updates in this way, hehehehe first time ever!!!!


haha it always puzzled me how doc estimate the length of dilation. surely not sticking a vernier caliper into the mummy's vijaja to measure!


Missa.. one finger in means 1 cm dilate. 2 finger 2 cm dialate. Then one finger apart from another 3cm.. max to the extent of how their two finger can apart means 10cm.


You can try ur self.. finger peace sign and open ur two finger as much as on the ruler.. u will see its max is 10cm. I tried before. Ah.. outside la. Not in v.. lol


oh thelay, i just tried your suggestion on the ruler...it's true! hahaha....quite amusing...i didn't know this fact!


Active Member
Omg Thelay.. I cannot cannot cannot do it... Esp under those circumstances... I m totally not relaxed.. so many thoughts going thru my mind.. :( I think I will succumb to c sect...

Hmm it's been 6hrs... Still checking in to check updates fr littlej... Hope both mum n baby are doing well!!

Tvh, I hope u r resting as per doc orders? :)

Wontonmee, I hope u update us with a healthy n bouncy princess!!


congrats wantonmee! Your gynae so cute...still write there..."I am a girl" haha....

happilymarried, I'm up now...had 8 hours of sleep...i feel very lethargic...i think cannot sleep too much also....but will try to rest whenever I can! Hubby's bday today...going to celebrate our last two-some birthday with him later....hehe...


Ahh... no no.. I dont ask u to put ur fingers in to v.. I said u can try outside.. try to make peace sign and open two fingers outside.. omg.. I also try outside la. Not inside my v.. omg!!! Lol


Active Member
Wantonmee congrats!!! Hahaha she really kkk wor. So cute there. Can tell korkor he will have a sista soon. How is he reacting to having a sis?


Active Member
Ooo...think littlej either in active labour or already popped! Many blessings to littlej & muffin! Rest well brave mummy!

Just finished my maternity tour at nuh. The ward facilities are quite good esp single bedded & deluxe suite. Was told about nuh being the first hosp to be accredited breastfeeding policies etc etc. Even got alarm and shutdown if someone tries to kidnap baby...lol...

Does make one a little less worried about childbirth after visiting the delivery suite and seeing all the equipments, pain relief stuff & they even provide an exercise ball.

Guess hubby is the one who have to remember what to go and where to go for all the procedures and admin stuff. :p

Slept too little liao...now buay tahan, heading straight home to nap. Looks like no shopping today.
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LittleJ gave birth? So very exciting!
And today what wonderful news!
Wantonmee!! Congrats on team Pink and your lovely little girl!!