We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Morning babes! Hehe Dragontail, now it's tough fight for no.1 post with a breast feeding mum!! Hehe... Hope you can faster clear your work n enjoy your holiday! :)

Rav.. no sound ok? It's the breeze... Hehe me too.. 1 of those rare nights slept thru no pee....

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Littlej! Good that supply is slowly kicking in!! Hehe.. it must be a very rewarding feeling breastfeeding... A tiny part of me wish I can fast forward the pain of birth n go to feeding... Haha ..

So do u feel u will invest in a pump for the later months if your supply continues to increase? I m hearing lots of people buying the medela pumps.. so tempted to invest but I prob won't get now... Wait til I have got steady supply then buy....


Active Member
happilymarried:830617 said:
Littlej! Good that supply is slowly kicking in!! Hehe.. it must be a very rewarding feeling breastfeeding... A tiny part of me wish I can fast forward the pain of birth n go to feeding... Haha ..

So do u feel u will invest in a pump for the later months if your supply continues to increase? I m hearing lots of people buying the medela pumps.. so tempted to invest but I prob won't get now... Wait til I have got steady supply then buy....
Pumps are not cheap. Best to buy only if u need to pump at work, oversupply or latching hurts. I will buy only after pop if need to lor. My frd bought le then decided not to bfeed. Waste $$$ wor.


Active Member
I haven't bought the pump yet. May get my old man to buy today since I think I got milk. I didnt buy earlier cuz aiya if no milk or baby doesnt wanna latch then no supply then waste $$$ right...