Which hosp u give birth


New Member
Hi mummies,
wher do u give birth? Which Hospital?
How many bed u took?
Hws the service? Environment?
How much u all spend?
Any cash out???
Mine is at Mt E. Service is gd and i took a 1 beded room like hotel stay. I enjoy staying there.hee... if i m not wrong my cash come out to ard $6k. including c-sect and my gynae ops cost


me KKH
4-bedded w aircon/tv
got refund chq of $800+ 3 weeks after delivery
cash out $1000 for deposit.
Hi CanCanMum

$800 refund? Wow. Was yours a natural birth? Is it under premier/classic plan? I'm planning to try 4-bedded this time since my hubby cant sleep over as he got to look after our first child. Also to save some money as I felt the 1st time we overspent unnecessarily since we are newbies then.

How is the noise level like? Also is it inconvenient e.g. when breastfeeding, sharing toilet? Any experience to share? Thanks.


my time got no plans....

mine is natural induced without epidural...noise level ok la, only noisy if u have super sociable neighbours - lots of visitors type...other than that super quiet at night - i was sleeping like a log....

when breastfeeding they will draw up the curtains.

i even made 2 friends while i was staying there....

sharing toilets ok....that time only 3 beds are occupied....coz i only stayed for 2 day 1 night.

i seldom go toilet....only go 2 times to change my pad.....lols! scared my stitches tear....hahahha....but wonx tear de la....scare myself only.


Hi mummies,
wher do u give birth? Which Hospital?
How many bed u took?
Hws the service? Environment?
How much u all spend?
Any cash out???
1 bedded
Service from the experienced nurses and sister very good. Except for the new and young nurses who are not experienced so cannot relie on what advice they give. The room is very spacious but find the sofa bed very hard and design kinda old so not that comfy.
C-sec on weekends so more ex.
Cash out 4k plus.


my time got no plans....

mine is natural induced without epidural...noise level ok la, only noisy if u have super sociable neighbours - lots of visitors type...other than that super quiet at night - i was sleeping like a log....

when breastfeeding they will draw up the curtains.

i even made 2 friends while i was staying there....

sharing toilets ok....that time only 3 beds are occupied....coz i only stayed for 2 day 1 night.

i seldom go toilet....only go 2 times to change my pad.....lols! scared my stitches tear....hahahha....but wonx tear de la....scare myself only.
Woah finally got to speak to one mommy without epidural :shyxxx:
I was very insistent on without epidural for my first but he very mischievious kept turning 360 (from breech to head down to transverse)! My gynae also surprised he could turn so much within each week considering there is hardly space. So bo bian as I was dialating so have to opt for c-sec asap! So had the c-sec with epidural without saying but was so scared that I shivered and cried. Never so scared in my whole life!
So for 2nd one I still want natural without epidural but becos of 1st experience, I starting to doubt my strength. How was the pain like? My pain threshold is high but pple told me labour pain is like 10times worse than menstrual pain. Cant think of anything more painful that u can use as an example to share how pain is it. How long is your labour?


its like lao sai + menstrual pains.....yes its painful but its quick...lasts about 10mins? If yr pain endurance is high sure no problem de.....take laughing gas if u cannot tahan...becoz number 2 normally your labour is faster (Heard from friends). Most painful part only exists between 6-8 cm, after that not painful already becoz 8-10cm the pain makes u wanna push the pain out (like kek sai tat kind)

My labour was 16 hours long~:tlaugh:


Active Member
I gave birth at KKH.
Stayed 4bedded premier plan.. Natural w/o epidural oso..
Ward: Service not bad.. if they having break/medicine distributing will abit slower in service.. Environment arhz.. every1 draw their curtain de.. wan talk to fellow mummies oso pai seh.. lol..
Nursery: Service not as good.. Environment abit bad.. cuz jaundice babies stayed very close to none jaundice babies.. n when 1 of the babies using the ray thing, got other babies beside.. lyk will shine until them oso.. mayb cuz abit crowded..
I spend bout less than $20 cash, for none medisave claimable de baby expenses.. cuz mine fully medisave claimable.. mine claim father's (dunno how much).. hubby's medisave used for baby's insurance.. lol.. but baby still got claim from her daddy abit lahz.. left than $200..

though we natural.. but cuz i have thyroid.. den my gal got abit affected by my hormones.. den stayed 4 days instead.. but i overstayer lahz.. hahahaha...:shyxxx:

ps: if i'm to recommend, i wun recommend KKH pte suite.. if i'm gonna have a next child, i'll definitely choose Mt A.. cuz we've counted the cost, including routine consultation, bout the same amt.. + i was born at Mt A oso... hahahaha...

my labour bout almost 3 hrs niaz.. hahaha.. cuz the night b4 my water bag already burst.. but it's not lyk wat we expected.. so didn't noe is water bag burst.. hahaha.. went into the labour ward at bout 1600+.. it's only 1856 when my gal meet the world.. every1 tot she only comin out at midnight.. hahaha..
Last edited:


its like lao sai + menstrual pains.....yes its painful but its quick...lasts about 10mins? My labour was 16 hours long~
So is my understanding correct... though your labour was 16 hours long, it is only the 10mins, which I guess you are pushing the baby out, is the most painful part? So if I survived the 10min+, I would be ok w/out epidural? Lately having more muscle tightening and braxton hicks but weirdly I kinda enjoy the feeling ley. Instead feel it is more painful when my bb kicks. Am I weird or this is normal?


ps: if i'm to recommend, i wun recommend KKH pte suite..
bo bian. My gynae only does at KKH and she did for my 1st boy so going back to her for my 2nd preggie. 1st time stayed 1-bed. Generally ok with the service as heard of worse from frends on KKH. But like they say can't compare lor cos maybe i stay 1-bed got more attention since i'm paying more as compared to them staying in 4 bed or C class. But this time I'm gog to stay 4 bed premium plan so praying hard get good service still.


So is my understanding correct... though your labour was 16 hours long, it is only the 10mins, which I guess you are pushing the baby out, is the most painful part? So if I survived the 10min+, I would be ok w/out epidural? Lately having more muscle tightening and braxton hicks but weirdly I kinda enjoy the feeling ley. Instead feel it is more painful when my bb kicks. Am I weird or this is normal?
during the whole duration of labour, from 2cm dilated till 6cm, the pain was still tolerable...like menstrual cramps. Ok. But when u entered 6-8cm, it was very painful. But it lasts around 10-15mins for me. When i was dilated abt 8-10cm, its not painful anymore becoz u concentrate on pushing instead of feeling the pain. Oso the pain makes u wanna push. Its enjoyable during the pushing part.


during the whole duration of labour, from 2cm dilated till 6cm, the pain was still tolerable...like menstrual cramps. Ok. But when u entered 6-8cm, it was very painful. But it lasts around 10-15mins for me. When i was dilated abt 8-10cm, its not painful anymore becoz u concentrate on pushing instead of feeling the pain. Oso the pain makes u wanna push. Its enjoyable during the pushing part.
Thanks CanCanMum for the insights :tlaugh: If like menstrual cramps, I can take it. Hope when I reach 6-8cm it will be quick like yours. 10-15mins I think I can survive :embarrassed:, so long there's something for me to grab to distract me from the pain. Ahh.. no wonder they say must cut fingernails cos hubby would most likely be the stressball? Will the nurses teach you how to push? I worry in that stage, whatever I read in books also forgotten liao. Pushing really enjoyable ah... hmm looking forward to natural and not so scared liao. Thank you! :wong29:


Oh ya... is it true that we have to go poo first? IF no poo how? Then during pushing, poo pops out? eek! pai seh ley.:we2Randy-git:


Oh ya... is it true that we have to go poo first? IF no poo how? Then during pushing, poo pops out? eek! pai seh ley.:we2Randy-git:
Dun wori, they will pump some liquid in which can help u to poo, confirm can poo 1 but take ur time to clear it lah.
I stay inside to toilet for abt 20mins...... Hee....


New Member

(Hospital delivered) @ KKh for 1st and @ MAH for sequence
(# of bed) 4 bedded
(Service and Environment)
KKh - Poor service. Baby nurse didn't apologise when she knocked my baby cart (newborn in it) on something. Newborn will be startled. She was rude. My spouse reported it to the staff nurse about her rude attitude.

MAH, Mt Alvervia - Excellent. Spacious. Good services. That's why i've been returning to MAH for labours since then. :)
N the FREE jabs - BCG and Hep B for all newborns if they can take the jab during stay in MAH. You can check out for more details on maternity package (room charges only, excl specialist's fees) on the MAH website.

Recommended hospital.

(Amt spend) - Less than $3Km. Depends on type of bed, specialist's fee, normal or C-section delivery/ labour. N whether is it assisted. Assisted meaning - any forceps and/ or epidual used? All these incurred charges. Mine was normal labour w/o epidual, w/o forceps. Many awed and asked me how i endured the contraction pains. Easy - Inhale free oxygen provided, know the inhale n exhale + push techniques. I didn't take up any antental classes. Too late to take up when i had my 1st. N useless for my sequent.

I wd strongly recommend all 1st time parents to take-up the antentaal classes before you're 6 months pregnant. My colleague took up antenatal classes @ KKH but delivery @ MAH.

(Cash out-front upon admission)- Yes. It's 50% of the maternity package/ room charge normally.

Note: Few gynae can travel between hospitals. For my instance, i selected a gynae tt can travel between TMC to MAH. Travelling fees of abt $200 for per visits charged.

Ok. Hope the above info is useful. Cheers!


Oh ya... is it true that we have to go poo first? IF no poo how? Then during pushing, poo pops out? eek! pai seh ley.:we2Randy-git:
That's what happen to me when i deliver my 1st DD @ KKH in year 2000 lor.. :embarrassed:

But at that point of time, i didn't bother much as i think since they don't have the initiative to make me poo than let them clear up the mess themself lor.. Anyway also cannot blame me ma cos tat time is my 1st time delivery so how would i know must poo first..


That's what happen to me when i deliver my 1st DD @ KKH in year 2000 lor.. :embarrassed:

But at that point of time, i didn't bother much as i think since they don't have the initiative to make me poo than let them clear up the mess themself lor.. Anyway also cannot blame me ma cos tat time is my 1st time delivery so how would i know must poo first..

maybe tat time ur stools are soft la....neber mind la....they clear the bloody stains oso wonx mind clearing other stuff....lols.....but being nurses have to bear with this aspect lor.

for me hor i alw got hard stools de....


wher do u give birth? Which Hospital? > TMC "Thomson Medical Centre"
How many bed u took? > 1 Bedded
Hws the service? Environment? > Both as good.
How much u all spend? > Aprox 7-8k +
Any cash out??? ? > 2.7 k in cash after all deduction.



maybe tat time ur stools are soft la....neber mind la....they clear the bloody stains oso wonx mind clearing other stuff....lols.....but being nurses have to bear with this aspect lor.

for me hor i alw got hard stools de....
No leh cos they never pump the liquid to let me poo, only ask me lie on the bed till i gave birth, even my contraction so pain no nurse bother to attend me also lor.. Like what chinese say "Jiao tian bu lin, jiao di ye bu ying".. :embarrassed:


orh i rem liao

your first pregnancy u stayed subsidized rate right?

its like tat de lor.....they dun attend so fast to subsidized rate patients de lor.

^($$$)^ :Dancing_tongue: