Which hosp u give birth


wah....i dink so lor hahahaha

i am oso taurus...heee...but i m not ox....
I hope he can be taurus rather than aries (no offence meant to all Ariesians out there but just my personal preference) but many say he will be early cos my tummy very big and low, and I can really feel the pressure below that each time poo just so worried (yes unnecessarily) he might just pop out. Btw, how is it like when waterbag bursts? Is it gushing out or just trickle a little then gets heavier?


I hope he can be taurus rather than aries (no offence meant to all Ariesians out there but just my personal preference) but many say he will be early cos my tummy very big and low, and I can really feel the pressure below that each time poo just so worried (yes unnecessarily) he might just pop out. Btw, how is it like when waterbag bursts? Is it gushing out or just trickle a little then gets heavier?
eh? u like taurus arh?

lols : do u oso like me? :p

lols ignore my craps....

some may experience trickles for waterbag burst, some may experience gushing out.....mine is like whole floor wet lor. And when u walk it still trickles....lols....warm fluid.....warms yr legs.


Well-Known Member
1st time is 2 bedded n 2nd is 1 bedded but how come both aso spend 7K+?!
Coz 1st time Dr Noel Leong is w/o maternity package, ex type. Then 2nd time is Dr Ang, not ex de. So sums out to this amount lor.. :tlaugh:


Hi mummies,
wher do u give birth? Which Hospital?
How many bed u took?
Hws the service? Environment?
How much u all spend?
Any cash out???
1 bedded, free upgrade to Superior room for first 2 nites
Excellent service and Environment
8k plus (C-section and including BB stayed one day for Jaundice)
5k plus including the package for regular check up by gynae.

Government give us 4k aso not enough... wahaha... Second time, maybe I'll have 2 bedded room.
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Active Member
I hope he can be taurus rather than aries (no offence meant to all Ariesians out there but just my personal preference) but many say he will be early cos my tummy very big and low, and I can really feel the pressure below that each time poo just so worried (yes unnecessarily) he might just pop out. Btw, how is it like when waterbag bursts? Is it gushing out or just trickle a little then gets heavier?
mine is trickle type de.. starting from lyk 5am until 4pm.. the water juz flow a few drops den another few drops.. it's lyk u wanna hold urine, but cannot hold... lol!!


Hi mummies,
wher do u give birth? Which Hospital?
How many bed u took?
Hws the service? Environment?
How much u all spend?
Any cash out???
My 2nd pwincess was delivered at Mt Alvernia on 11th Feb 09...
Great service frm them, all staffs were friendly , food also very delicious, evn hub enjoy the food, ehee..
got complimentary parking & evn got 2 bedded but pay for 4bedded as they were full...
evn serive at Labour ward was great, nurses were friendly & professional...
Natural delivery .. total bill was 2.4k & cash 600...
No regrets...



Active Member
Where do u give birth? Which Hospital?

Mt Alvernia

How many bed u took?

Erm... end up taking Family Suite...

Hows the service? Environment?

Service is great! Nurses are all very helpful and understanding... nevermind how many times u ring the bell! Envirnoment is good too. We were given complimentary parking but both of us don't have car so never use... The food is good as well, they even have confinement food! Nurses keep asking me if I want milo... :001_302:

How much u all spend?

I have a normal delivery... Total bill comes to a bit over 6k (haven't deduct Medisave yet).

Any cash out???

Yes, about 4k I think...


New Member
I got that thrice while sleeping. Suddenly just CRAMPS. :err: Caught me really off guard but the pain goes away within 5-10 mins. :embarrassed:

Hi Yellowpudding.

A little tips about calf cramps and pain.

Don't try to straigthen your cramped leg. Start by wiggling your toes then flexing your foot before you can stretch or straight your leg.

Place some pillow to lift up your legs for better blood circulation. Or sleep on your left side.

Hope these helps...


New Member
i gave birth at KKh .. total spenting ard 1 k onli.. one bed... i tink e service there is good... evern though many of my friends don recommend there


i gave birth at kkh... bill 2k plus... cuz use delivery suite too long.. hehe... svc is good... 2nd child going back to kkh... even though read a lot of bad comments....


my first one I delivered at Mt A in Oct 2006, not sure the bill, c-section 4 days 3 nights, did not get to eat the confinement food as doctor did not allow. Even 3rd/4th day also given normal food only even though I opted for confinement foods...

coming one will be delivering at KKH, EDD 25 May 09. Opted for B1 - 4 bedded @ about $1.5k (cash) balance claim medisave.


New Member
I think KKh still ok.. I heard many of my frenz say that e sitching is veri bad , infection n swollen... but for mi ... everything good ... coming one oso will b delivering at KKH EDD29 Sep ... I was admitted to KKH twice ... both I asked for class C bed but alw no bed so they put mi in class B .. I stay in e room n there another time , there air con but class C price ... M i lucky?


you are lucky... hehe...

i think that kkh is ok tooo... in any cases, if there is complications, etc, there is still a need to be transferred to kkh... and i believe facilities will be better as they have everything that is needed... my stitch heal within days.. ard 2-3 days later, i dun feel pain already... my coming one edd 16 july will be in kkh as welll... =D


Active Member
i dunnoe .. i c-section stay at hospital 4days. according to my bill reali is like that. if add my gynae visits is over 10k! i got change gynae half way so package at e 1st gynae is wasted.

So expensive!!!! Is this inclusive of monthly check ups or just the Big Day?!? Sooooo expensive leeehh...