EDD Mar 2014


I am going for 2 bedder as well at Mt A!

single bedder and 2 bedder got alot of difference in cost... hope next bed empty too :D


sigh last night i sufferred from acid reflex that i vomitted all my dinner, home made chrysanthemum tea and yakult taken after dinner. It was my second time since last friday that i threw up due to the sour feeling and "zhang zhang" feel at my tummy and throat area. I will feel much better after i throw up though. I am abit worry now if this continues how can my baby get enough nutrients from me... i tried to eat small portions yet i still can get acid reflux.


sigh last night i sufferred from acid reflex that i vomitted all my dinner, home made chrysanthemum tea and yakult taken after dinner. It was my second time since last friday that i threw up due to the sour feeling and "zhang zhang" feel at my tummy and throat area. I will feel much better after i throw up though. I am abit worry now if this continues how can my baby get enough nutrients from me... i tried to eat small portions yet i still can get acid reflux.
Tat happens to me twice b4... think cos uterus shifted up thus we sometimes will feel bloated again.

I think i will go for double bedded cos don think able to zzzz at nite de.


I feel easier full lately, maybe is uterus move up.. tpy- u can try taking ACTAL. It works for me..
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oh taboo and lltan those can be taken by pregnant women? will try them soon. imagine I also have sour taste fluid when i tried to spill out from my throat :( continuously long string of fluid....sound abit yucks..


try to eat small meals... and avoid acidic foods... plus don't lie down immediately after a meal...

all of these advice I don't even take myself, cuz I'm so greedy I just eat and eat hahaha and then collapse on the sofa and complain that I'm too full. hubby wanna faint already don't know how to help me. hehe


BB will be in the room but not overnite. During nite time, nurse will bring BB in for feeding. They will wake u up...


"In the days following birth, whether at home, in a hospital, or in a birth center, mothers' and babies' physical and emotional needs for each other continue. The more time two people spend together, the sooner they get to know each other. Mothers who are with their babies for longer periods of time, including during the night, have higher scores on tests that measure the strength of a mother's attachment to her baby.

While together, mothers quickly learn their babies' needs and how best to care for, soothe, and comfort their newborns.
Keeping your baby with you continuously during the day and at night (called “rooming-in”) has many benefits. Rooming-in with your baby makes breastfeeding easier. Studies suggest that mothers who room-in with their babies make more milk, make more milk sooner, breastfeed longer, and are more likely to breastfeed exclusively compared with mothers who have limited contact with their babies or whose babies are in the nursery at night.

Rooming-in is better for babies. While babies are with their mothers, they cry less, soothe more quickly, and spend more time quietly sleeping. Babies who room-in with their mothers take in more breast milk, gain more weight per day, and are less likely to develop jaundice, a yellowing of the skin that sometimes requires treatment.

Normal baby care (e.g., exams, vital signs, and baths) can be done while rooming-in. You can be close to your baby and even help with some of the care if you wish. Babies bathed by their mothers and held skin-to-skin stay just as warm as babies bathed in the nursery and placed in warmers.

Well-meaning friends and family may advise you to let your baby stay in the nursery at night so that you can get more sleep. However, studies show that mothers whose babies are cared for in the nursery do not get more sleep than mothers who room-in with their babies at night. Many mothers sleep more peacefully knowing that their babies are with them."

Care Practice #6: No Separation of Mother and Baby, With Unlimited Opportunities for Breastfeeding
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yes my friend told me that her hubby secretly stayed with her in the 2 bedded room was being caught and asked to leave the room.