

my DD gt 2 rice grains stuck in her left ear... it was quite difficult 2 dig out... wat other alt can i do 2 take out e rice grains?

2 days ago already dug out 1 rice grain bt yest found out there was 2 more in her left ear & was rather deep inside... tried 2 use e soften ear wax gel bt seems 2 make e matter worse... nt onli it make e rice grains even more soften & more inside e ear le...

all mummies pls advice...


u mean e GP? no use 1... last time DD kenna a tiny ball stuck in her ear he oso cant take out den end up makin DD in pain... still dare 2 charge me consultation somemore...


Well-Known Member
i dont think normal GP can help cos they are not v experience with babies... either bring to a experience pd or straight to hospitall...


well.. thx mummies... a&e is e last opt if nothing helps DD... will go baby clinic & c e gp... hope it will help DD in gttin e rice grains out... nw e rice grains r like soggy & sticky inside her ear... *yucks*


Well-Known Member
how did they get into her ear in the first place????

in situations like this, just go immediately to your PD or KKH.


hi mummies... went 2 polyclinic yest & e doc use water 2 flush out e rice grains out 4 DD... thk god... no need 2 go a&e... *smile*
DD was v brave din cry when doc do e procedure 4 her... mayb i m outside waitin ba... mummy nt bside her so cant cry... lolx

thx all mummies 4 e advice & concern...


New Member
hi mummies... went 2 polyclinic yest & e doc use water 2 flush out e rice grains out 4 dear daughter... thk god... no need 2 go a&e... *smile*
dear daughter was very brave did not cry when doc do e procedure 4 her... mayb i m outside waitin ... mummy not bside her so cant cry... lolx

thx all mummies 4 e advice & concern...
Hi I am Jesme Chua, a newbie here, hope to have lots of interesting ideas to share with all of you pretty mothers. I have a good experience with Dr Koh at Toa Payoh Lor 1, the clinic is just opposite SPH. Please don't do anything rash, it is best to go to the doctor otherwise the worse scenario may affect her especially her hearing. have a awesome weekend:wong19: