We are TTC-ing!


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The only exercise my hubby does regularly is finger-sport. On the keyboard. Games and surfing.

But he has been making effort to watch his diet since doc gave him the shock. But he is still not eating fruits. So that's no good.

Today's posts from you ladies have been a good read. This may be kinda out of the real topic here but it is something very dear to me...I'm not a mother but I already feel I have been one to my lovely pet dog. She celebrated her 15th birthday this month. She has surely passed her life expectancy. Got a call from hubby that she had to be sent to the vet and she apparently had a seizure and was put on drip. That has calmed her down. Her organs are starting to fail, so the vet said. I have been nursing her late years since she has lost her eyesight and she also has some nerve issue so she cant really walk straight. One of her limbs doesnt have much strength too. She totally is dependant on me (and my family inlaws) in her daily routine.

Vet has told my hubby there are just two choices. Let nature takes its place or put her to sleep. And we need to prepare for the worst. I have to be sure she is not in pain. Vet gave painkillers. So long I know she is not in pain, I will continue having her to love till the mighty one above decides it is time. I cant wait to fly home tomorrow to hold her and tell her mummy will let you go only when you are ready. Hope she will wait for me.

That's life. There's always a time to go and also when one will start. I will wait for one to start (I hope) for me to behold.

Good luck to all on this wonderful gift of life.
Dragontail I can't help tearing when I read your post.. Reminded me of my pet dog whom was with me for only short 7 years and I didn't even managed to say my last good byes to her. Thereafter, I can never bring myself to get another pet dog because I don't want to go through the whole heartache and ordeal of getting over my pet's passing. Honestly, it's not going to be easy to witness your pet's passing but definitely comforting to know you both have each other during her last moments..

Quincy my menses has always been quite regular which was why I didn't bother to do any conception check before that. Thing is now I that I know I have a blocked tube, there will be alternate months in which egg is not released? Women are complicated .. (physically and emotionally )..


Active Member
Hi dragontail. Oh my, your dog has certainly lived to a ripe ol' age. Please do take care. As they say, all dogs go to heaven. And hey, I'm sure your dog will have a fun time stomping n heaven with my bunny :)

Have a safe trip back..


Littlej Yes pls pm ur gynae details and also more info about how you feel abt them?

Quincy, Tcm said ideal AF flow lasts full 5 days. She said mine only has full 1.5 days, means my body does not have enough blood lining, might have complications providing for a baby in the womb when pregnant. Plus, I have loads of blood clots. She said ideal is to have just blood flow - no clots.

But again, nothing that good rest, good diet and mild exercises can't help. Plus she started me on some med that will help me regulate a better flow.

My menses aren't irregular. Just not lasting long enough.


Good morning! I'm still waiting for my AF to come! Wasted don't know how many pads already jus to wait for it to come. Haha

Any method to let it come?


Active Member
Poohy: have u tested?

And my many hamsters too. My bbf once said she don't like to rear them Co's their life span 2years v short, will be very sad alot times if they keep die. I made sure they live till ripe old age. Had one Hammy who had a tumour on her leg n died just slightly after her 1st bday: (
Poohy what did Dr Su say and did she give you any med to make your menses arrive? I don't think there is any way to induce menses unless on birth control pills.. Stress may be one factor delaying it so stay relaxed and do some yoga or stretching or go out for a brisk walk with hubby :)


Active Member
no worries. sure your tcm doc will help u with that. i also see a lot of blood "clots" coming out for my menses this time. in the western medicine pov, having these to come out is good. it means that your uterus blood lining is fully shed and ready for the next cycle.


I sometimes dread what tcm drs say, especially after reading what yours told you about your AF shez.....gosh. I'm personally not in favor to go see any of them because from all the posts I read here, I can be sure the tcm will find something wrong with me, which will start to make me panic and stress.
when I had my endo, I went to dr Tan YG at Raffles and he said there was nothing wrong with 3 day menses. with my endo I never had any clots only blood, and hence they were building up into my cyst. now that my cyst is cleared I'm flushing out everything including the clots. I read somewhere that clots were favorable thicker lining of the uterus to welcome the conceived egg in optimal conditions.
Sometimes I find the drs are not sensitive to our state of mind and could be partly to blame as to why the birth rate is low...i think our mind shapes the outcome of our fertility, and would be why those who have no expectations end up the first becoming pregnant !


Active Member
Oh my god hubby says my ger is looking better today. She couldnt stand up last 2 days but this morning she could again. Looking more refreshed. Im so happy. Bought her something from chatuchak and am glad she can use it already!

Poohy did you do a hpt? Just in case af is not supposed to come. For me, strangely it is bd that may help af to show. Lol I know there is no logic. And pineapple works too. Have not tried these in this cycle though. Sinseh says just let it show naturally.


Active Member
for my hubby's case he was reluctant to go c any doc. be it western or tcm. he was hitting 40 so he did not want to face any bad news. but i told him going to doctor is to rectify our prob. if there is a prob we need to settle it and not just sit there and cry to god.


Bwahaha. Isn't that the case. Sometimes western docs will say one thing, and gynaes will say another!!!!

All I know is cny is coming, and we should all work hard - I've had enough of only giving Angpows for the last 3 years with no way of gaining a cent back!!! Hahaha. Hopefully this cny is my last year of 'giving Angpows with no returns'. Lol


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Poohy - as much as you don't want to face the risk of disappointment, I also think you should test. And y'know see a western doc. You only seen Tcm so far right?

Tricky - I think it is good to have a fair evaluation between both Tcm and western docs. In my humble opinion, Western deals with what is the issue now but Tcm is more of prepping for the future. But yes I think one needs to evaluate both feedback. For me i will take meds as prescribed both both docs. Just make sure Ang mo med take 2 hours after Chinese med. and I go in with the mindset that as long as I am doing As advised - I should be ok.

My dear doesn't believe in Tcm too. And he is also nearing 40. But ya at least I got him to visit western doc - one better than nothing.


Active Member
haha. western doc had my hubby tested and showed that he got some abnormal sperms. and then my tcm doc says we can just take tonics. my hubby was like hmm...the tcm doc sounds better so he go for the tcm doc haha.


Hi all I think I tried testing last weekend but negative so I decided to leave it and wait for AF. Dr su only say maybe I didn't ovulate properly. She did give me some med.. so hope it comes soon! I want to start again!

Ya I only see tcm. Don't want see western coz end up my gynae will ask me do iui I guess and take Clomid etc.

Littlehamster. ..I also don't like to keep hamster coz I feel so sad when their lifespan is short! Got once they ran out of cage and I couldn't find one of them back! Until now also don't know where it went to....so sad.


I'm having a bit of cramps similar to what I would have a few days before AF. I'm also feeling extremely tired, I feel I need sleep all the time, but this is just 2 or 3 DPO.
Could I be imagining things???

Also hor, can we still drink DOM in the 2ww?
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Active Member
my biological clock gets me very tired 2 weeks before my AF :(
that's my pms.
but dont think about anything at this moment. do start to imagine if you are at least 1 week overdue from your AF :D


quincy1986:752862 said:
my biological clock gets me very tired 2 weeks before my AF :(
that's my pms.
but dont think about anything at this moment. do start to imagine if you are at least 1 week overdue from your AF :D
I think so too...sigh...my imagination always gets the better of me everytime I'm in the 2ww...my back also aching v badly now....think my body has not been v receptive to all the tcm I've been taking..