We are TTC-ing!


Hi dragontail,

I need help... just bought a box of CW.. but no instructions.. do I Start taking during mense? Or after that? If after that, how long later do I start ah?? Hmmm... so lost...


Happy new year to u too! U gg HK in few days? Cold weather... take care yo!
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Did my first acupuncture with my sinseh, feels good :)
I love the heat thing that sinseh shine on me after putting the needles.

then I recall I bought an infra red machine for my mum a few years ago. I'm going to use it to shine on my abdomen to keep it warm every night!
sinseh also says it will be good too

good to be

Yukki, same to you too. And I sincerely wish everyone here quick quick graduate in 2014!

Goodtobe, my sinseh is a he. Not sure what entails when it comes to pulse reading… but his acupuncture and medicine so far work very well on me (in terms of bowel movement and my woman cycle improvement). But he did say yesterday, from the pulse reading, that I’m much better conditioned now. So far, i have good vibes about him.

hi dragontail, thanks for the info. I will persuade my husband to go no matter what


mummygirl:848617 said:
Hi dragontail,

I need help... just bought a box of CW.. but no instructions.. do I Start taking during mense? Or after that? If after that, how long later do I start ah?? Hmmm... so lost...


Happy new year to u too! U gg HK in few days? Cold weather... take care yo!
Me gg in 2 weeks time! Cant wait!


Wishing all a Happy 2014!

Was sick since Mon- headache n vomitting.
Today i feel much better!
I think my AF coming...i got slight spotting in the morn


I wish everyone here can have their wish come true in year 2014. 2013 I found this thread, thanks mummysg for accompanying me throughout the past one year. It's a place where all give and share and support one another. Up and downs and all kinds of emotions. 2014 will be and exciting year ahead


Happy new year to all! Baby dusts to all too!!

AF due today...but witch haven't show up. Bbt still above coverline...sian max...this cycle super messed up....sigh...


I hope so too...dragontail..but u see i notice watery brown discharge only when wiping...nvr seen watery cm b4...