We are TTC-ing!

Ladies, i went for my ultra scan juz now. The radiographer say can see tiny eggs. She say maybe this round finish le. Today is my menses day 13. Which means i got some hope, cause last time my gynae at kk say i got no eggs...


Dear all...sorry to disappoint u all...
The witch appeared today...just now only...argghhhhhh... :(

I tt i cn finally hv gd news on this new year!


Active Member
Apple, what do you mean by "this time finish'? But you have eggs right? So not finish mah! When's the next scan?

yukki, hugs. New year new cycle. Dont worry for now and keep yourself healthy for the next ovulation.

I am still waiting for my positive opk. Today cd13 but still faint. So I think I will o late this time. But one of new year resolutions is to get fit! So going for my exercise class tonight. I havent gone for a yoga class for a loooooong time.


Hugssss Yukki!! Jia you for the next round!

Dragontail, same as me...since i cannot do zumba or jogging or brisk walking. I shall do aqua aerobics! :)

I sent in email to enquire. Hope got place available!


Yep dragontail...i'm feeling kinda sian...anw me looking fwd to gynae visit on 25..tink i really not ovulating as normal gals does... :(


Active Member
Oooh speak of the devil and I just found out I'm starting to have ewcm. O should be coming in 3-4 days! Tonight going for a battle. Ha.

Yukki, you do have temp shift in your bbt right? Temp shift means you got O-ed. Anyway hope to hear updates from you after your gynae visit.


Dragontail...what u meant by temp shift? U mean increase in bbt? I do hv temp shift but i realise...my bbt always cannot last more than 16 days de...wondering anyting wrong with my eggs or?


Hi all,

Good afternoon to all of u. Beginning of new year, start of job…. Zzz.. so bluez..

Hi Dragontail,

I tried my 1[SUP]st[/SUP] taking of CW, OMG….. I wan to faintz…. The pills are sooo super huge… I break into two pcs, but still having difficulty swallowing… Hence I only took half pill.. L How huh…..


Active Member
mummygal, hahah ya forgot to warn you! And the light pink one the taste is wanna tor right? Haa. But I'm so used to it I'm immune to the awful smell. If you break into two then you pop once in the morning and the next half after lunch or dinner. Hopefully that will work for you.

yukki thank you =) For temp shift, it means the FF has detected you've O-ed because you have elevated temps during your luteal phase. I remember seeing you have temp shift so that means you do ovulate. Have you tried this function in FF whereby you can sneak at other people's bbt (be it pregnancy bbt or normal ones). Some also dont have text book charts but still preggie. So i'd say dont read too much into post o temps. So long these temps dont drop below coverline. Because if it does, it might just mean one's progesterone level is low which means maybe cant hold a pregnancy well. But these can be helped by popping in progesterone piils. USually fertility gynae will prescribe you progesterone medicine for you to take during post o just in case there's an implantation. That's when i would stop bbt-ing because the progesterone pill raises the temps anyway.
Fertility Charts Gallery - FertilityFriend.com


Oooo..dragontail yes judging liddat i do hv temp shifts...but just dunno hw come till nw still nvr succeed? Anyway...nw i can only diligently take bbt...since i came back frm LA...i haven't resume back my tcm...hehehehe notti me...

My fren is recommending me another vits to take...to pu energy... :)


Yukki, hugz and don't be sad! New cycle new hope
Anyway good to let your body clear the antibiotics first

Dragon tail, today I'm cd15 used up 4 opk since cd11. all faint line. And still no signs of ewcm :(


Tks soursop2014..hehehe...
Oohhh u meant the antibiotics i took for uti? Yeah it's gd that uti is cleared i supposed...no more pain le...

Now it's a brand new cycle...hope everything gg well for me...

Maybe ur o-days is ard nxt few days...monitor and test opk again... jia you for this cycle too! ^^
Dragonlady, the radiographer say she see the eggs v small maybe I o already.... cause she say some ppl ovulation start at day 7. But to me sort of gd news at least gt small small eggs. Go gynae blood test will onli say no eggs....


Dragontail, exactly… omg.. cannot stand the smell and the size of the pink pill… Zzz..
Good idea, I actually took half throw half.. lolz. But I shall follow your suggestion tomorrow onwards. Hehe

Soursop2014, All faint line doesn’t means positive O? How it suppose to read as positive?
Sorry, I never used those ovalution strips before, but I intend to start using this month. Hehe


Active Member
Apples no worries =)

Mummygirl the opk must have dark lines to be considered positive. It works a bit different from hpt whereby light line would mean positive.

You probably can Google and see many pics of positive opk sample. But of course if you like to splurge on digital opk, it makes it whole lot easier.