We are TTC-ing!

@Poohy - lots of good luck. Hope you strike :) How come your gyn give you just 2 chances at IUI? Is there a limit to the number of times for IUI that can be done? Thought the success rate goes up with every IUI?

@Dagontail - did your bff remove her tubes since they are blocked near the womb? i read online that some remove their tubes totally and then go for for IVF. Still can concieve without tubes. But i am not sure if i want my tubes removed if they are in a bad state.. think i will be v sad without tubes :(

@Littlej - going for lapa next week. The HSG will be done prior to the op. I just confirmed a place so moving in next month so got to start packing throwing redundant things away now.

@Missy and Qinn - i always think property agents earn a lot cos of the huge commission that developers and owners pay out... i must have been misled. Sorry ;p


Active Member
Welcome to the 2ww, poohy! Now you must guai guai drink chicken essence, eat brazil nuts, drink warm warm water, rest early. Hope for the best for you.

Glitterystar, I believe the total removal of the blocked tubes was not discussed prior (I think) to the cyst-removal surgery. So the tubes are still intact. Actually I also didnt know can remove tubes totally. But you're right... i rather have blocked tubes than none at all. Feel kinda weird something is missing there ya.

gnissim, my hubby just wants big fat oysters :p I called the Greenwich place already. $4.50 each for big one. Hee will ask hubby how many he wants.


Active Member
Good question Glitterystar. I think maybe different? Raw ones seem to pack more "power", I mean looking at how my hubby enjoys raw ones over orh lua.

But this morning I asked him if he feels any different after the half dozen last night, he said "nothing. boring". Let's try more tonight....


Active Member
Glitterystar:788834 said:
@Poohy - lots of good luck. Hope you strike :) How come your gyn give you just 2 chances at IUI? Is there a limit to the number of times for IUI that can be done? Thought the success rate goes up with every IUI?

@Dagontail - did your bff remove her tubes since they are blocked near the womb? i read online that some remove their tubes totally and then go for for IVF. Still can concieve without tubes. But i am not sure if i want my tubes removed if they are in a bad state.. think i will be v sad without tubes :(

@Littlej - going for lapa next week. The HSG will be done prior to the op. I just confirmed a place so moving in next month so got to start packing throwing redundant things away now.

@Missy and Qinn - i always think property agents earn a lot cos of the huge commission that developers and owners pay out... i must have been misled. Sorry ;p
Glittery - indeed those were the "rich" time when developers n owners but do think of the down market time... we are surviving without basic pay
Dragontail: Another place for fresh, good oysters is Turf City - choose your live seafood (wide variety of fishes- Soon Hock is one of my preferred fish, crabs-the Alaskan variety, geoduck - I recommend the Canadian ones, and live oysters at about $2.30 each!). No extra charges for handling and cooking in restaurants (Owen, Ahhh Yat - Ahhh Yat is better imo), and the oysters when served straight from the tank with ice, lemon and tabasco are absolute YUM! :D Another recommendation I have is Seafood International Restaurant in East Coast Park (I can't remember, I think you turn in after Carpark C) - lesser variety than Turf City, slightly more expensive, but still fresh and good service. :) For international buffets, there's always Greenhouse (Ritz Carlton) for oysters! :p

littlej: The good ol' doc was concerned that I might be preggers when I called on Monday, but when I finally had time to go for my appointment yesterday, the black (black cos it's mostly blackish blood) aunty decided to show up. It was slightly heavier than spotting, kinda like a light period but it's almost black, and looked more like dried blood left in the sun for a day than normal period blood. Doc checked (ultrasound, pressing on my abdomen, asked me questions and looked at the blood+pad), he then said we should "take this as menses". He then sat down (good being the last patient!) with me, chit-chatted with me (whoever said he's cold and impersonal? He's like really fatherly and kind! At least on all my visits thus far...), and told me to observe for bleeding tomorrow (which is today), and to go back if bleeding stopped - which, sadly, goes on to full-blown period today :x (worse than all my periods, horrible painful cramps and with these cramps the bleeding is worse than any period I've ever had in the past! I never get cramps... :x) I've to go back tomorrow for another appointment, and doc ordered SA for my hubby.

poohy: Congrats on tww! Rest more, eat well, and be positive! :D

gnissim23: How are you?? All is well??

Glitterystar: Nothing to apologise for, dearie! :) Just saying that the friends I know really do work hard - the commission is good, of cos! Yay for finding a new place :p I can never bring myself to throw away things... Whenever I come back for vacation during school hols, I would always have a trunk-load full of junk lol (mostly books haha) My man says I'm like garung guni! :x Removing tubes sound so scary... But I didn't know can actually conceive without tubes via IVF, medical advancement really is too fast for my caveman understanding... :x
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Active Member
TVH, yes I also scared my hubby overeats on oysters then no BD more worse. Haa.

Qinnn, i think the Ah Yat sounds good. Been years I’ve been there. Ok I check with hubby if he’s keen for tonite :)


Qinn: yeah.. super stress now over my exams. :/ cant wait for next week to arrive n end my exams finally.. no more future papers n exams in my life anymore. Muahaha. Now super sleepy. Studying for my paper afterwards. Sweat. Hope u r doing fine! Hw come so bad cramps.. I use to have v bad cramps too until I have cold sweat n cant get out of bed. But if u stop cold intake it shd be ok. U shd ask ur gynae see why so bad cramps leh. Somemore is after see him than have cramps. :/
Dragontail: Ahhh Yat (why cannot type 'A' 'H'?) is quite good, corkage is waived too (I think for all? Usually when I go with my parents or in-laws it's free) :p I prefer their cooking to Owen's. I think spend $500 can get a room already :p Try Canadian geoduck (sashimi style)! Very sweet! :p

gnissim23: Exams! Jiayou! What modules? :p I miss taking exams actually, so much less stressful than work... :x Maybe I should go get myself a masters in a different field (financial engineering?? Do I even qualify to apply with a LLM... like not related at all lol) when I get preggers! Perfect reason to take it easy, study something new and interesting, and take it as 胎教 haha! :D Tomorrow see doc must tell him (he sure will ask) :x I'm at home resting now, and writing my packing list :p


Active Member
Glitterystar, ya...greenwood. I thought it's greenwich. :p oysters may look the same but they surely taste different from different parts of the world. These are creamy ones. There is another type there, from Tasmania. They are the salty ones.