We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
littlej:789034 said:
Qinn - ah... As long as you are feeling better now. Whilst my aunty visited regularly, she also came in black flakes, red flow or sometimes brown stains on the onset. i kinda thought the black flakes looked evil - to me. anyway, that time - I just took it as the body adjusting itself. Maybe tmr you ask doc again. And wa - ur husband so 乖! Doc say go SA, he immediately go! It took my old man more than a month... Anyway, hope SA report turns out ok. Fingers crossed for you. And hmm. I think dont so gan jiong about ivf first - it's invasive leh. I would go for all the non-invasive tests and natural means before considering invasive. So, ya you still have SA (ticked), HSG (see tubes), IUI. One step at a time. Let us know how it goes tmr ya? And oh yes, another notch up for your hubby. He has been with you to see the doc 3 times this week! My old man complaining this week see doc twice...

Missy10 - u on 2ww now?

Dragontail - agree on hump anytime we want. It does get a bit mechanical during ttc isn't it. But hey, it is really good your hubby is so enthu about it and even planning the timetable. And well, for me then - I just psyched myself that ok this is hump time - not doc given time!
Littlej - ya... CD 29 / DPO 13
I know shouldnt have bd during tww, but im just trying hard not to think so much into symptoms.... make myself forgot about which days im in too....
littlej: This is actually the first time in years (I don't quite remember how bad it was during the teenage years) that I'm seeing black flakes, then brown blood, then finally red... :x Not sure is it the stress with ttc that is causing it to be topsy-turvy. I sure hope it's just my body adjusting herself, and preparing for the good news ahead! Hahaha yeah, I showed my sad face to hubby, and sai nai and he decided to wake up at 8am to get his soldiers into the container, and off the sample went in at around 9am lol He deserves gold stars :p I'm really hoping to never needing IVF... Doubt my hubby is keen either - nothing to do with the procedure, just personal faith. One of his aunts has passed me a contact of an IVF specialist in GlenE! Argh!

Fingers crossed and praying hard for the SA...


Active Member
Dragontail: u took the eys 8zhen right? I also on the verge of heatiness. I took 8zhen on mon or Tue I think. Maybe eys more potent!? Lol


Active Member
Yes littlehamster. But this round I split the package into 2. I will leave the other half of the herbs to be cooked on Monday. I feel throwing all in is too thick already. Moreover it's only me who is drinking. Maybe EYS is indeed potent!


glitterystar- doc gave me 2 chances..ie if this round fails, i will just continue to take the clomid on day 2 then go back for iui again. But if the 2nd time also fail, then gonna see her and discuss whats next. Cannot take too many rounds of clomid i guess. keeping fingers crossed about this round.

so what can i take during 2ww?

think EYS bazhen quite potent...quite thick after boiling...
wah i kena more pimples after the hcg shot! arggggggg
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Morning Gals...

Dragontail - OMG! Your oysters look BIG! Haaaa
Haaaa I like the description u used on the editor. The eye stye right, I heard oldies say tie a black string on the finger & u wil get well v. fast but I forgot which finger :(

TVH - Oh dear, I hope I can strike soon so by Sep, I am 2nd Trim haaaa…
Precisely, the editor is strict, I actually mean crazy in hokkien with SG. 's iao - l iao -l o
Tis is like our unique culture haaa

Missy10 - Highfive! Tink I bd abt the same time as u last night heee…. Hope 'they' swam well to the shore. *praying

Littlej - Can share how much was the package? Sky High? So I can start to get ready my piggy bank standby haaaa
Dr. Chang sounds good and he looked very fatherly (haaa I go google to see his face) I like reasonable rates!

Qinnnsenne - Quick pack your luggage!!!


Black Fakes? Is it normal? Your hubby very sweet! Is this IUI u are doing? Seems like everyone is doing?
Dun worry, u will not need IVF. U will be preggie before that!

The last menses I had has lots of blood cots. OMG is it normal??? Can someone advise me?

littlej: This is actually the first time in years (I don't quite remember how bad it was during the teenage years) that I'm seeing black flakes, then brown blood, then finally red... :x Not sure is it the stress with ttc that is causing it to be topsy-turvy. I sure hope it's just my body adjusting herself, and preparing for the good news ahead! Hahaha yeah, I showed my sad face to hubby, and sai nai and he decided to wake up at 8am to get his soldiers into the container, and off the sample went in at around 9am lol He deserves gold stars :p I'm really hoping to never needing IVF... Doubt my hubby is keen either - nothing to do with the procedure, just personal faith. One of his aunts has passed me a contact of an IVF specialist in GlenE! Argh!

Fingers crossed and praying hard for the SA...


Active Member
lovesbaby:789083 said:
Black Fakes? Is it normal? Your hubby very sweet! Is this IUI u are doing? Seems like everyone is doing?
Dun worry, u will not need IVF. U will be preggie before that!

The last menses I had has lots of blood cots. OMG is it normal??? Can someone advise me?
lovesbaby:789083 said:
Mayb you take cold drinks during mense, then u will have blood clots
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Really not pain? I m those who do pap smear also will take 20 plus mins one. Haaaa super tense
okay lar they inject at your fats ....guess i got lots of fats at tummy, so easy for nurse to jab.hahahaa...loads of cushioning.
for IUI, go with full bladder and then will be easier for gynae to insert....relax relax....i insist on female doc so that i wont get tense.hehehe, dun think can get used to male gynae


Active Member
lovesbaby, oh haha... now I remember about tying the string. I think it's the middle finger of the hand opposite the infected eye. Well, I'm too lazy to see a doc so I'm going to try the string now. Guess we will never have an answer to it if it works :) Btw, must have certain color thread or not? :p


Active Member
Dragontail:789093 said:
lovesbaby, oh haha... now I remember about tying the string. I think it's the middle finger of the hand opposite the infected eye. Well, I'm too lazy to see a doc so I'm going to try the string now. Guess we will never have an answer to it if it works :) Btw, must have certain color thread or not? :p
Only black, and you must tied it yourself, female right centre finger


Haaa i dun have alot of fats so confirm will pain. I heard the gas is the killer. N by the way, go with full bladder? Wat if too tense then urine out? haaaa
Female doctor I already take forever, if male i think he will ask me to find another doc haaa

okay lar they inject at your fats ....guess i got lots of fats at tummy, so easy for nurse to jab.hahahaa...loads of cushioning.
for IUI, go with full bladder and then will be easier for gynae to insert....relax relax....i insist on female doc so that i wont get tense.hehehe, dun think can get used to male gynae


Active Member
Whahah ok ok. Silly me. Red is one of fav colors so I thought I shall choose fav color to tie. funny.

Anyway, TGIF! What's the nice plans you have, ladies? I'm going out for dinner with all girls... my mom and 2 sistas, and a neice and nephew (ok, one boy). These 2 kids may wanna try the ice skate at Jcube. After that come home to BD :p