We are TTC-ing!


New Member

Wave to everyone!

I am a newbie here, thou I have been following this thread for a while.

I have just bought my internet cheapie opk for this cycle and was wondering if anyone is doing opk as well? Hoping someone could help to enlighten my opks done yesterday and today. The opk seems to be darker today? A good sign that I am going to ovulate in the next 1-2 days?

Advice appreciated!

Thanks loads!! ^^


Active Member
Voila,you will only ovulate in next 1,2 days if you got the darkest line today. Looks like not dark yet.
But I will start to bd from today alternate days.


New Member
Thanks, Dragontail!

Will try to do 2 OPKs a day to catch e surge. Noticed you are doing that too?

Wonder if it's necessary to confirm with the clearblue smiley face ovulation kit when the internet cheapie shows up a darker test line. This darker line thing is a mystery!



Active Member
Yes i do use cheapie opk.

No need to waste money on clear blue. I always ovulate 1-2days later after I got a darkest cheapie opk.


Active Member
fangning now that you said it too, I guess it's something wrong with the app. I experienced that too. Have to use the desktop version.


Hi Voila, welcome.

both lines have to be equally dark or test line darker than the control line in order to consider positive result for opk.

keep trying...

btw, which cd are u at?


Hello, everyone. My name is Mint. I have been trying to conceive for the past 3 years since marriage but to no avail. We went for fertility test in nov 12 and found out that my husband has low sperm count n we will advised to go for IVF. However, we went for Tcm for about 9 months before we decide to go for IVF at SGH Care in oct 13. We went through the fertility test n to check if my husband troops is good enough for IVF. Finally last week. We confirmed that we can go ahead with IVF which will start in Mar 14. I m on the long protocol. I m scared of needles but in order to have a child, I have to be strong. Hope to make friends with others who are trying to conceive n to share some experience.


Active Member
Welcome Mint.

Maybe you can share how old are you and hubby? What have you both been trying for past 3years?
Where will you be doing your ivf?

i went KKH last week too. And might embark on ivf too. Have to do hsg end of this month first.

As for the needles, it will get easier with experience so don't worry (I did jab myself too last year when I was on some fertility treatment).


hello everyone,

I have been a slient reader for this thread for the past few months. we have been ttc for the past 6mths but still no news.
my hb and i been to see Dr su to tiao our bodies for 3mths. currently we stopped going to her, and has been taking the blackmore supplements for ourselves.
hope to join the group and we can support each other here


Active Member
Welcome many many new members of the thread.

Lynn, typically luteal phase is 14 days. So 35-14 = 21 which means you may ovulate on cd21. Thereabout. I will start to opk on cd15. Once a day until you see the line starts to get intensified then you opk twice a day.


Oh thks dragontail! I started to recall last cycle my bbt showed an increase in temp on cd 23 onwards.( temp exceeding 36.5). I had not bought any opk yet.. thereafter my menses came on cd 37. So can I say that i might hv ovulated on cd 23 with a luteal phase of 14 days??


Active Member
Lynn you very crever!

You had increased temp on cd23 means you ovulated on cd22. Bbt temp shift happens just after you have ovulated.


Dragontail, previously when u were with Dr Wu, did she do acupunture for you? How often did she do? once per wk?

I am lost now as I am not sure if i shd switch to Dr Su this wk.. reason being I got bloated tummy on n off. It got worse when my menses came. I had highlighted to Dr Wu earlier n she said her med will help in bloated tummy, however I didn't find it work much. I suspect this prob has somethg to do with blood circulation or "Qi".. perhaps needs acupuncture to solve it. Now that I got my menses cycle back to 37 days compared to previous cycle of 45 to 58days is a great motivation to me to move on.. plus I saw bright red menses instead of deep red brownish menses. ( just that menses only last abt 3 days n not too smooth). If I were to switch to Dr Su now, I am afraid my cycle will mess up, then i might get anxious again.. how??

On the other hand, I kw that i cannot ovulate by my self, maybe sometime can sometime cannot.. n I kw Dr Wu will give ovulation med for me. ( I mean it really works faster)but Dr su im not sure..unless i tell her my prob. Coz she never asked me to do BBT.. same med for 2 wks instead of diff med. Really very very lost now.. :wong7: